Strawberry muffins

Profile picture for user Abelbreadgallery

Today we've baked strawberry muffins. Same recipe of regular muffins but filled with strawberry jam.


Abel Sierra.

What recipe??  HOW did you get your muffins to raise so high?!

Would you please share?!



Profile picture for user Abelbreadgallery

Yes, of course. I use a quiet simple recipe.

3 medium sized eggs, 150 gr sugar, 150 ml vegetable oil, 30 ml cool water, 200 gr flour, 5-6 gr baking powder, a pinch of salt, and some strawberry jam, or any other jam or cream you like to fill your muffins with. This makes 12 medium sized muffins. You can decorate the muffins adding a pinch of sugar before baking them.

Mix eggs, sugar, oil and water with an electric mixer. Add flour, salt and baking powder and continue mixing until you get a nice dough.

Fill the muffins molds with just one tablespoon of dough. Add a teaspoon of jam and cover with the rest of the dough.

Bake the muffins just 15 minutes (6 minutes at 235C/455F and 9 minutes at 175C/350F).

That's all. I hope you enjoy it.

Abel Sierra.