October 23, 2013 - 4:26pm
My first bread. A slightly sweet white one.
This is my first bread. I made it following the instructions of the instant Lesaffre yeast plus some stuff I saw in a BBC video with some french cook who loves too much the bread and cheers artisan ones. The portion is small as it's just for me ^_^
- 250 gr 0000 flour.
- 10 gr butter
- 2 tsp of honey.
- 175 ml milk
- 2.5 gr instant yeast, all purpose.
Just mix everything, make sure the milk is not hot otherwise that will kill the yeast, knead for 10 minutes (no knead is no fun!) and let it rest for an hour. After that, gently press a little bit to flush the excess of CO2, massage it a little bit, give some shape and put in the pan. Let it rest for another hour. With a sharp knife make some cuts and throw in the oven at 150 ºC until it's golden brown because of the sugars and you are done!
So you didn't put any salt, huh? Did you feel like it was missing? Also, how long did you leave this in the oven?
No man, no salt. I forgot! LOL. The flavor was ok, some sweet because the honey as expected so i did not miss anything. Last night I made a cheese one and put some salt, otherwise would be evident. But using salt has a lot of benefits so from now on i'll put 1.8 - 2% salt as recommended.
I left it in the oven for about 25 mins, but i did not check the clock, just checked the color. Also from now on i'll use my temp probe to check the inner temperature to be 85 - 90 °C as recommended.
Thanks for your comment!
85 - 90 °C sounds very reasonable since its sub-boiling. I guess you always need to pull a loaf out before it hits 100 °C because it will continue to cook for a few minutes as it cools; especially one that's oddly shaped like this one.