The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

"Bookmark this" not working on Baked Potato Bread

jascallie1's picture

"Bookmark this" not working on Baked Potato Bread

Help!  I cannot get this web page to load to "My Bookmarks" list.  It is listed under "My Account" and then "Page".  Any ideas as to why I cannot get this into "My Bookmarks" list?  Any help appreciated. Thanks for replying. Mary

P.S. I was able to load a different "Page" post to "My Bookmarks" listing with no problem. I did this after being unsuccessful with the above.

Floydm's picture

Hm, not sure.  I just clicked "bookmark this" and it worked fine for me.  I'll see if I can find anything else odd going on.

Kitchen Barbarian's picture
Kitchen Barbarian

It doesn't work for me.  It says it bookmarked it - but when I go look the bookmark is not there

jascallie1's picture

Hello, Kitchen Barbarian, I am Midnite Baker over on KAF.  Been a member here longer than KAF.  Would change my handle but don't know how.  Am glad I'm not the only one having this problem on this webpage.  Mary


Floydm's picture

We all know that the "Bookmark this" button adds a link to the bookmark list on your profile page on the site, yes?  Not your browsers' bookmarks?  Because I can see "Baked Potato Bread" on all three of your profile page bookmarks lists.

(I'm not denying there is a problem... it could be a site permission issue of some kind... but I just wanted to check that it wasn't just a misunderstanding of what that button does!)

jascallie1's picture

I am talking about "my bookmarks" listing on this website under my personal account. Please reread my request, as I thought I had explained myself.  Kitchen Barbarian has the same problem with this page.

Kitchen Barbarian's picture
Kitchen Barbarian

I'm a software engineer (retired).  I'm looking for the bookmarks on this site, not in my browser, as Midnite Baker notes. 

To the right of this page and all pages except the forum lists is a strip with various links, at the top it has your user name and then links to your account information as follows:

Kitchen Barbarian

When I click on "My Bookmarks", there is no link to the potato bread thing there.  If it is appearing somewhere else I've never seen it.  But that is where I expect it to be and it isn't there, but other things I have bookmarked ARE.

DavidEF's picture

Just trying to be helpful here (and the baked potato bread does look worthy). I tried to bookmark that post, and it says it is successful, but when I go to my bookmarks, it isn't there. As a control, I bookmarked THIS post, and it worked! I see it listed as a bookmark at "my bookmarks". In the picture below, you can see I didn't have any bookmarks after I clicked Bookmark This, and there is a piece of the window where it now says Unbookmark This. Sorry I didn't think to highlight or circle anything, but I'm sure you can see what I'm saying.

showing the bookmark not there

mrfrost's picture

Check your "My Account" pages(or just click on your names).

That is another way to access bookmarks. It should show there. Does for me.

But as with the others, does not show in the "My Bookmarks" links, for whatever reason.

Kitchen Barbarian's picture
Kitchen Barbarian

The only place that potato bread thing appears is on the user account page you get to by clicking on your name.  I never noticed bookmarks listed there; on the other hand, I only had ONE until a day or two ago, LOL!

I expect it to be on the My Bookmarks page; when I go there, for some odd reason I think it should list all my bookmarks, LOL!

DavidEF's picture

Yeah, you guys are right, it is showing up on my account page, and only there. As Kitchen Barbarian said, I too didn't realise that the account page even had a place for bookmarks. I still think there is something to be fixed. The other bookmark I created showed up my bookmarks page.

mrfrost's picture

I mostly mentioned this as a cue to Floyd as to why when he was looking into this, it was showing as bookmarked when he did.

He has once mentioned that due to "programming issues", some of the more "ancient" pages here were problematic in being integrated into the recent format upgrade. This may be related to that.

Kitchen Barbarian's picture
Kitchen Barbarian

It doesn't seem to be related to the "type" of bookmark, either - I bookmarked another entry that is denoted as type "page" and it successfully and correctly appears on the list of my bookmarks.

BTW - it would be REALLY NICE if we could assign titles or tags to our bookmarked entries so we could sort them in some sort of order that makes sense to use so we can find things, rather than only by author, type, or thread title.  So I could categorize as Bread-Sweet or Bread-Rolls-Savory or Cookies or Pies-filling or whatnot ... it would be nice.