A friend of mine has a challenge with the following recipe. she said the bread tasted good but started to crumble and was kind of gritty. I wondered if the spelt experts here have some advise for her.
Spelt bread
1/2 c. warm water
3/4 c. rice milk
1/2 c. olive oil
1 egg
1/4 c. splenda
1 tsp salt
4 1/2 c. spelt flour
2 1/2 tsp yeast
Let rise and bake for 30 min @ 350
Like always thanks of your input.
I have no experience with the properties of splenda in dough, so I can't say anything about the ingredients, only recommend a better method to prepare the bread.
A 100% whole grain bread, whether spelt or whole wheat, will always taste gritty when it is made with such short fermentation time. I would advise her to work with pre-ferments, a soaker and a biga, à la Peter Reinhart's "Whole Grain Breads".
Soaker: mix 2 cups of the whole spelt with a 1/4 tsp. of the salt und half of the liquid, and leave at room temperature overnight.
Biga: knead together 2 cups of the whole spelt with 1/4 tsp. of the instant yeast and half of the liquid, and refrigerate overnight.
Final dough: mix soaker, biga and all other ingredients until all comes together. Knead for 4 minutes, let rest for 5 minutes, and continue kneading for another minute. (No long kneading time necessary, because of the pre-doughs.)
This technique helps developing an optimal taste and all grittiness will be gone.
Thanks Karin, yes I thought so too. Too short a fermentation time and too much yeast. Why not use honey or molasses instead of horrible stuff (Splenda)! I talked to her about your way of baking spelt (I use it all the time and I love it!) but I was wondering whats all out there. I also use spelt the breadtopia way with SD which also works very well for me but thats too advanced for her. Let's see if I can convince her to do it the Karin way :). thanks again
Hi, I'm no expert on this but spelt is quite low in gluten so will not provide the elastic strength to hold the bread together. Try using 50/50 spelt and strong (high gluten) bread flour mixed.
Also, I don't use cups so I can't really judge, but possibly your fat content is a little high - this will also tenderise your bread. I use 3% oil per 100% flour. Also bear in mind that there is also fat in the egg yolk which will also add to the overall fat content.
I hope that this helps,
Thanks Mat, your thought about the fat content is interesting. I will let my friend know. Thanks again
of fat, I agree. And your friend should certainly invest in a scale, if she wants to achieve consistant results.
But spelt has enough gluten to give a good rise, even, if it's not as high as in a whole wheat bread. This is a 100% spelt walnut bread I bake. No problems with the rise (no extra vital wheat gluten added).