I guess this is the place to ask.
I'd like to make my myself and my girlfriend some tea bread, if that's at all possible. Tea is my favorite kind of drink ever, and I love bread almost as much for my food. I was thinking if I took out half of the milk from "Lesson 2" and replaced the water with more tea water (I'd probably be using a green or black tea) if that would work at all? Would it even taste good?
I tried to google a good recipe, but after a bit I didn't think it'd help so much, so I came here!
Also, would it be better to, instead of bread, make tea muffins or buscuits or something? I've made chai tea cupcakes before that are really quite good.
txfarmer has been showing truly excellent results in her blog, including bread and pastries infused with tea. Highly recommend.
I have a bread I made with tea as the liquid and it came out pretty good. You can find the recipe here at http://mookielovesbread.wordpress.com/?s=Tea&submit=Search