Steam and temperature in Reinhart's recipes


In the last couple of days I've posted separate threads about Peter Reinhart's suggested baking temperatures and about steam. Afterwards I noticed that the recipes for which Peter directs a baking temperature of 350oF don't require steam, but the higher temperature bakes do. I'm curious to know why this is (and if I could find an email address for him, I would email him directly, but I can't turn one up). Any thoughts?

with panned breads, rather than hearth breads?  If so, there's not much benefit in steaming, since such a small percentage of the loaf's surface is exposed.  Nor do the crusts tend to dry and solidify as quickly at the lower temperatures.


I guess the pans are the common factor in these recipes, although Peter does say each time that you can bake them as free standing rolls, boules, etc.  Which makes it a bit complicated as his mixes are enough for one bread pan 9'x5' and three or four rolls.    Thanks.


As a side note, you will find if you bake  dough freestanding on a hearth of some sort and then bake the same recipe in a pan, in almost every case the freestanding loaf will have superior flavor.  Some breads are made specifically for the pan and this would then not apply.  This may help you decide how to bake a particular bread.
