I was wondering if anyone that has purchased Ms Risgaard's book has had a chance to check out her 'Real Rye Bread' recipe. I don't understand why she mixed all of the dough ingredients and then takes out 400 grams of the dough and saves it for the next bake. How long can this be kept? I presume you don't use sourdough then, just the dough amount, in your next bake. I just have never read about this technique except for a simpler formula using only flour, water, sourdough and salt.
Thanks, Esther.
There are many sourdough methods, this one is more often called "old dough" which may start out as a pre-ferment with instant yeast and eventually take on sourdough beasties over time. A lot depends on the amount of fermentation you give the dough before you remove a section for the next loaf and how much yeast is added to the recipe. If chilled, this dough will keep several days. If mixed and stiffened with more flour, maybe longer. On the counter, it should be used daily or every second day depending on ripeness.
I have not seen Ms. Risgaard's book. Sounds like a big recipe if 400g is saved.
Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it. It is such a different technique from what I am used to.