Hurricane Isaac Sourdough


I'm bored waiting for Isaac to rear it's ugly head here in New Orleans and thought I'd share how I'm passing the time. SO, I'm making my first real sourdough bread. Here are my loaves shaped and proofing....waiting to be baked. Since Isaac won't hit us head-on until later this evening I'm confident I can get these baked before we lose power. For anyone who will be affected by the hurricane...STAY SAFE!!!!

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with your SD bake and hope no harms comes from Isaac and your power stays on and NO doesn't flood again.  Can't think of a better way to wait for the storm - baking bread ......and waiting out the storm - eating it.

Seems to me, that is the BEST way to wait for that storm!! Shame you don't have a wood fired or gas oven to bake it in no matter if you have power or not! Still, they are BEAUTIFUL!!! Do let us know how they taste and a crumb shot!! Yuuuum!! How old is your starter?? I have been in a camper almost 2 years while we look for a farm and just don't have the room to keep one going. Can't wait to get out of here and do a PROPER starter!! Happy Eating and God Keep you  and yours SAFE!!

My starter is only a few weeks old, lol. But it worked beautifully!