August 1, 2012 - 6:49pm
Trying to find a reliable way to adjust recipes for 10x5 pan.
As the topic says. When I started doing my breadbaking and being a total newbie at it all, I read about someones review of different pans here and found that the Williams Sonoma goldtouch pans did very well (short of having cast iron bread pans of course). So I bought them, but bought the 1.5 lb pans. For quite a few years I've been trying to properly adjust recipes to fit into these pans. I usually 1.5 the recipe and I add about.. 300g to each loaf from the .5 portion.
Does anyone know of a reliable way? I've tried searching about it, but perhaps I am not using the correct search terms.
Here's a suggestion.
If you have a pan the size prescribed by the original recipe fill it with water, and measure the amount of water it holds. Do the same with your 1.5 pan.
If you don't have a the small pan, calculate the volumes.
Either way, calculate the ratio of the two.
I just did it both ways with two dissimilar pans: 4.5" wide x 8.5" long x 3" high and 5.25" x 9.5" x 3" respectively
The larger held 64 oz. filled to the top edge, the smaller held 48 oz.
Their ratio 64/48 = 1.33
The larger's calculated volume is (W x L x H); 5.25 x 9.5 x 3 = 149.63 cubic in.
The smaller's calculated volume: 4.5 x 8.5 x 3 = 114.75 cubic in..
Their ratio 149.63/114.75 = 1.3 essentially the same as the water comparison.
If the recipe simply specifies a pan's width and length, e.g. 4.5" x 8.5 simply calculate the area of their openings, and assume the same depth. Example, from above: 5.25 x 9.5 = 49.88 sq. in, 4.5 x 8.5 = 38.25 sq. in. Their ration 49.88/38.25 = 1.3.
For these examples I'd multiply the recipe's specified dough weight by 1.3.
The water volume comparison will work for any two pans, regardless of shape. To compare two bannetons fill them with beans, and compare the bean's weights.
David G
Will do, thank you.