The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Eggs fried in bread crumbs - Delicious!

bnom's picture

Eggs fried in bread crumbs - Delicious!

One of the many benefits of bread making is that one can always have a good supply of fresh bread crumbs.  I adore bread crumbs toasted up in some olive oil and tossed onto fresh pasta, vegies, salad etc. 

Perhaps my favorite is egg fried in breadcrumbs -- a delicious balance of crunch and creamy.  Credit goes to Judy Rodgers and the Zuni Cafe cookbook.  The way I make the dish is  toss fresh bread crumbs with a little olive oil, salt and a few fresh thyme or other herb leaves.. I like to use about 1/3 cup crumb per egg (Judy only uses 1 tablespoon per two eggs).   Lightly toast the crumbs in a frying pan until they start drying out (making a little staticky sound). Then I crack and egg over the crumbs, cover with a lid, and cook over a low heat until egg is done to preference.  Slide it  onto a plate - there are usually some loose crumbs in the pan which I sprinkle on top of the egg.  You can then sprinkle on something like Frank's Red Hot sauce or do as Judy suggests - add a little (tsp or so) balsamic vinegar to the pan, swirling once. Then pour the drops of sizzling vinegar over the eggs.

I made the dish this morning and served it on top three fat spears of steamed asparagus.  It might not be beautiful but it is delicious!




LindyD's picture

It's one of those "why didn't I think of that" dishes.   Has to add some nice texture and sure is healther than some of the stuff I normally like with breakfast eggs.  

Thanks for the idea, Barbara.  I've got a couple of heels of sourdough on my counter that now have a good purpose.  

Franko's picture

A delicious and beautiful looking dish. Thanks for posting this Barbara, I'll make this next time for a breakfast on my days off.


Frequent Flyer's picture
Frequent Flyer

Looks good to me.

Wild-Yeast's picture

First, what type of bread crumb?  We ran out of crumbs and had to sacrifice perfectly edible bread for the making of crumbs. Sounds ridiculous but it's true for exceptional breads.  Same goes for making croutons. 

Your idea of crisping the crumbs is a keeper.  Flavored sprinkles for vegetables - sauteing bacon with crumb bits for baked potatoes  and salad bits not to mention sprinkled over creme fraiche..., et cetera, et cetera...,

Thanks for the great tip Barbara...,


bnom's picture

These were crumbs from my sourdough -- crusts removed, then processed coarsely in the food processor (a coffee grinder works best).

Another great use for these crisped crumbs is make a little herb salad (a mix of the crumbs along with fresh parsley, chives, and/or other herbs and a little lemon zest and vinaigrette) and served on top of nice fish (copper river salmon!).  

Adding bacon to the crumb -- good idea!