Pain de Seigle
Has anyone had much experience with Joe Ortiz's recipe for Seigle de Thiezac? I did it once this winter and while it turned out OK I never really felt that I was in control of the process. I have no idea how lively the dough or even the starter should be. I have no idea at which temperature the levening likes to work nor when I have achieved optimal rise. I just used my baking instincts ... and, as I said, the result was OK ... large (14-15" diameter) flat (2-2.5") dense loaf. So .. anyone got this one down pat? If so, how would you describe a successful loaf? Any production advice? I don't need to be told about working a very sticky rye dough nor about the need for an acidic dough. I mostly need to know how the dough should look and feel through its several rising stages.