starting a second Country Bread, but first a question


Hi Gang,

I recently made the Tartine Country Bread and it was very fun to make and eat.  I'd like to do it again, but I need a little help.  In step 4 of my recipe, Chad says, "Save your leftover leaven; it is now the beginning of a new starter.  To keep it alive to make future loaves, continue to feed it as described in step 2."  Can I feed it once then start another loaf tomorrow?  or does he want me to feed it until it predicably rises and falls, perhaps another 15 days?

(The steps I refer to are listed at Martha's website)

Thanks for all the help and a great website.



The leaven (or levain) that you save is just your starter and it really depends on how you store it.  If you keep it on the counter and feed it daily, then you can use that starter to build the leaven.  I prefer to keep mine in the refrigerator since I don't bake every day, and I feed it at least weekly.  I have found that it needs to be refreshed or fed a couple of times before I build the leaven and it comes back to full strength after two or three feedings every 12 hours or so before use.  It even depends on the flour used (yes, brands and even time of year make small differences).  Work with your starter and after a few times, you will learn how it likes to be fed.  Since wild starter is formed from ambient flora, and the flora depend on your location, each one will have its own subtle preferences.  Good luck and happy baking!



no, just feed away and it should be good for tomorrows bake....when i awake, i use my fed starter from the day before. The day before, i feed it twice a day, once in the morning after i take what i need for my recipe and once before bed. By the time i wake up, it's bubbly and ready for the next recipe....just keep doing it everyday like that. If you dont intend to make bread, just put it in a jar in the refrig....when ready to use, just feed it twice a day until active(lots of bubbles).