cheesy sourdough bread


i just made a new firm sourdough starter after my first died and some good advice from the forum and made 2 loaves of small batch bread in the past 6 days about 300g of flour. its a whole wheat starter and both breads tasted like cheap cheese because i bake at night and the first and second day its fine and yummy with a slight sourness but on the third day which i normally bake a new batch to have some bread (i blame a tiny toaster oven) its tastes like a really cheap cheese that i really hate, im storing it in an airtight container and i bake it with some vegetable oil to keep it from sticking to the pan what could be the problem? i bake every 3 days to have some good sourdough bread and i dont want to change my schedule just to avoid a off flavor. i need help!

Is the container so airtight that it might be going moldy? I've ruined a couple of loaves by putting them in something airtight while they were still a bit warm. I generally use my microwave as a breadbox (just set the loaves inside on the floor) -- it seems to keep things from drying out, but still lets them breathe.


no i havent been placing them warm in to my container as i said a bake at night so when i wake up my loves have cooled slowly in the oven to be placed into my container in the morning

btw. i can only make small breads because i own a toaster oven which can barely handle a 400g-500g flour loaf