I would like to turn a recipe for cupcakes into a layer cake. I would like to use Ina Garten's red velvet cupcake recipe from the How Easy Is That? cookbook. It makes 15 cupcakes. Does anyone have any idea what cake pans I could use instead?
If you have a cupcake pan of the size recommended by Ina Garten, work out the volume of 15 by pouring water into them (use a jug measure or do it by weight - start with known weight and subtract weight left in jug). Then start afresh this time with the known volume or weight of water and pour it into the cake pans you own to decide which one/s are best (are you planning to make separate layers or are you going to cut a single cake into layers?).
Use the same temperature, but you'll need to bake for longer than for cupcakes.