question about possible proofing problem...


Hi there, Does anyone have any input on this: I just started two cultures, one Bahrain and one San Francisco. They launched just beautifully at first but after checking on them in the fridge for a few days I see that the hooch is on the bottom of the mass not on top! Also they small a bit "stinky" as opposed to the crisp sour bite that I've experienced in the past when proofing these cultures.

The liquid on bottom could just be liquid separation (i.e., water separating from the starter), which does happen sometimes. It's probably not hooch. What hydration are you maintaining your starters? 

These are two new cultures? If so, they probably shouldn't be living in the fridge. You should only refrigerate a starter after it's well-established and well-fed, when you're planning not to bake with it. Your cultures will be much happier living at room temperature, and being fed at 1-2x per day.  

you read the two threads referenced below. Your description--new, "launched just beautifully", smelly--is typical of the early  behavior of new starters. You do not yet have a useable starter. Read both Debra Wink's initiating posts, and search throughout the entire threads. There is all the  information and more you need to develop a mature, robust starter. I think what you have is saveable.

I just went through the same problem. Following Ms. Wink's guidance, I now have a robust, reliable sourdough starter.

Good Luck,

David G



Thanks David!  your references were perfect!



Thanks David!  your references were perfect!