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Have just read another topic here which makes me feel like abandoning this quest on the rye batter bread. Hold off on replies to this topic. I may not need them after all.
This is the topic I just read:
Hi All,
Although I have many health issues and food issues - this rye quest is more of my own want rather than a need. I'd like to see if it helps me health-wise to incorporate more rye. I love the taste of a good rye. I love it buttered plain, or toasted. Great for tuna sandwiches. Great with an aged cheddar or swiss.
I found this recipe, but I can't find any contact for the author - it was last published in 1986.
(Alternatively, I have another rye recipe from my grandma's 1942 Searchlight Recipe Book - but it has regular flour too - and converting that is too much for this one question today.)
I've read the gluten in rye is different, less abundant, and affected by other "things" in the rye which can prevent it from rising overly well. I've read that an acid helps to keep things rising well with all rye.That must be why the recipe uses buttermilk - as an acid.
Following is the recipe - with some of my notes / questions wedged in there. Can you give me your thoughts and advice?
My rye flour: I have some Bob's Red Mill Organic Dark Rye that was quite expensive for me, like a small bag of gold, and I don't want to waste it. Can I make a quarter of the recipe as a test so I know if I like it?
My experience: I made one rye / bread flour batter bread last week that was nice enough. But it didn't have much rye taste (Hodgson Mills Stone ground rye), and I didn't like all the hard bits in the flour. I'm fairly good with most hand-kneaded yeast breads. Tried my hand at sourdough last week, but am waiting for a new starter to do that again one day - not soon.
(From The Allergy Cookbook by Ruth Shattuck)
Rye Batter Bread
(No corn, egg, or wheat)
Yield: 20-24 Slices
"This bread is excellent for sandwiches. It slices well and is not crumbly. The lemon peel cuts any strong rye flavor and adds a nice flavor of its own."
2 t. gelatin (I've read this keeps it from being crumbly? True? Other purposes?)
1/4 c. cold water
1 c. buttermilk (I'll be using lactose free whole milk with a T of cider vinegar. Is that okay?)
1 T honey
1 t. salt
1 T safflower oil (I have light olive oil - okay?)
4 t. Dry yeast (isn't that a lot of yeast for one loaf?)
3/4 c. warm water
4-1/2 c. rye flour
1 T. grated lemon rind (Do I need this? I like rye. Not sure I'd like lemon rye. Thoughts?)
Stir gelatin into cold water. Warm to dissolve. Warm buttermilk, honey, salt and oil to lukewarm. (Overheating will cause buttermilk to separate.) In mixing bowl dissolve yeast in warm water; add milk mixture and gelatin to yeast. Add 2 cups rye flour. Beat about 2 minutes at medium speed in electric mixer, or beat vigorously by hand until batter is satiny. Remove and clean beaters. Add lemon rind and about 2-1/2 cups more rye flour to make a medium-stiff dough. Blend well.
Cover and let rise about 45 minutes. (Do not allow to over rise.) Stir down the batter. Scrape into well-greased 1-1/2 quart casserole. Smooth top. Let rise again 15-20 minutes. (Again, do not allow to over-rise.) Bake at 375 F 45-50 minutes. Remove from oven. Cool in casserole a few minutes, then turn out onto wire rack to finish cooling.
How do I recognize over rising on this bread?
She didn't include a picture in the book. Any thoughts on what this might turn out like? Again, I'm really frugal with the expensive rye flour and don't want to waste it.
Thank you!