April 29, 2011 - 1:33pm
Unrefined Oils in Baking
Hi all!
Going to make a loaf tonight (not sure what, I've just been doing a lot of experimenting lately), and I was thinking of using some unrefined oil I picked up downtown.
I've been reading about the apparent health benefits of unrefined oil over refined oil, and I was wondering if anyone has baked with it? I have unrefined sunflower oil.
I only ask because I know unrefined oil cannot withstand high temperatures that come with frying and sauteeing; maybe they wouldn't be good for baking then?
Let me know if you know or at least have an opinion/idea!
I don't expect you to have any problems. I'm extrapolating from Olive Oil, which doesn't work at all well for frying, yet is used all the time in bread and works wonderfully.
The temperature in a baking loaf of bread (crumb up to 212F, crust very roughly up to ? 300F-350F) isn't anywhere near as hot as frying (375F-500F?). What's the smoke point of your "unrefined" oil?
When I can afford it, I buy less-refined (but not completely unrefined) organic Spectrum oils from my health food co-op. The olive oil in particular adds wonderful flavor to my everyday ciabatta. Go for the taste!
These suggestions make sense to me, thanks guys! I chose sunflower oil for its versatility... and also because it's the only unrefined, small(ish) company oil I can find in my area. Mine is from Maison Orphee, a Canadian company from which I get my olive oil normally (and it's fantastic).
Thank you. :)