2nd bake off of Vermont Sourdough getting better..



Here are my finished loaves ready to be delivered to friends...


So here is my second time baking VS with my own starter. This time around I did not place anything but the baking stone in the oven  and threw two ice cubes on the bottom. About 10 mins later threw in 2 more ice cubes. Opened the door with a wooden spoon for the last 15 minutes the real darking of the crust happened in the last 5 minutes. It has a wonderful sour smell more so then the first bacth. My starter has been going for about 18 or so days now lost count. Still refreshing twice a day. I started this on Tuesday night final shaping was about 3 pm yesterday put in the fridge overnight baked this morning at about 530am. Great sring in the oven except my baterd loaf really split and almost a perfect circle on my round loaf one side blew out as you can see. Can't wait to try it. Time to go deliver a Golden Raisin and a Vermont Sourdough to friends at work today. Hope they like it.

Looks like some very nice oven spring! Vermont sourdough is one of my favorites. Mine also turn out with very dark crusts (which I like). Your gift recipients are very lucky.