January 17, 2011 - 6:22am
off the fence and on the band wagon: sorry! still trying to put pics here :(
Hi every body! Finally I made it! Made my starter with rye and rasin water. think it is working now though still have some uncertainties. I am feeding now with BF. Here are my results: with week old starter. first bake: I put this one in the cold oven, backed it covered 30 min. and 15 uncovered at 450F. Missed the oven spring. Bread tasted very good. Not sour at all which I like and had very creamy consistency. 2. one(2 week starter) put in hot oven (500F)covered 30 m at 450F then uncovered 15 min. think got a little bit better oven spring. I am very bad in documenting what I do but both doughs proofed at least 24 hours or more and I did some stretch and folds. Appreciate all your comments.
Hey Barbara,
Posting pictures here on The Fresh Loaf is a bit of an ordeal indeed, although not difficult at all. I'll try and explain it to you step by step.
In this explanation I assume you are trying to upload a picture from your computer to the fresh loaf site.
Step1; create content
Choose wether you want to add a blogpost or a forum topic.
Once your page has opened (either "create blog entry" or "create forum topic) you can start typing your message, question, or whatever it is you want to share with the rest of us.
step2; adding an image
In your blogpost or forumpost, put your cursor on the spot where you want the picture to be placed.
Click the little icon of the tree at the top of the window you are typing in (in between the "break the link-icon" and the "html-icon")
the "insert/edit image" dialogue box will appear.
in this dialogue box, click the icon at the end of the "image url"-icon; the "browse button" as it is called (don't bother about all the other fields, u won't need them)
this will open the "file browser" window that holds all the pictures that you have ever uploaded (in your case probably empty) At the top of the window it has all sorts of choices (upload, thumbnails, delete, send to editor)
click on upload; a browse field appears in the file browser window. click on browse
locate the picture you want to upload from your computer to the site (make sure it is not too big, because the site will not automatically scale down pics that are too big) and click upload.
In the file browser you will now see that the picture has been accepted by the editor. if the file browser gives you an error message, it's probably because your picture is either too big or in the wrong format (make it smaller and save the image as a jpg and start from the beginning)
click the send to editor in the file browser window. This will send your picture to the other window that is open; the "insert/edit window".
Finally, in the insert/edit-window click insert. Don't bother with the other fields, you will not need them. Now your picture is appearing in your blogpost or forum post!
It's quite old fashioned and very complicated, but hey, it works!!
If you still have a problem uploading your pictures, let me know, maybe I can help you get them on there :-)
hopes this helps!
warm greetings from Amsterdam
Hey Freerk, greetings from frosty Florida. Yes it is all white with frost. will warm up some during the day. thanks for your help. I am working on it right now. Will let you know.