Sourdough flatbread/tortillas



I had some whole wheat firm starter to use up and decided to try making some leavened tortillas.  Since tortillas usually aren't leavened, these would probably be more correctly named flatbreads, but I will use them as tortillas : )  This made four smallish ones.

Mix water and starter in a bowl first:

12 grams firm (60%) sourdough starter

84 g water

In food a food processor, mix:

114 g whole wheat flour (I used freshly ground white whole wheat)

1/4 tsp. salt

1 T. potato flour

4 tsp. butter


Add the starter until combined, and then let it sit for about 15 minutes.  Check hydration - should be soft and pliable.  Process until gluten is nicely developed and it will windowpane.  I let it sit for a couple of hours.

I divided the dough into four balls, about 55 grams each.  These made smallish tortillas about 7 inches or so, so if you like larger ones, divided dough into only three balls.  I let the balls sit a few minutes while I pre-heated the skillet.  (Now that I know this recipe works : ) I will double the dough next time!)

I pre-rolled each ball to about 4 inches, waited a bit, and then rolled them to about 7 inches.  It's important to use enough flour to keep them from sticking.  If they stick to board, they are hard to roll out into pleasing rounds.  As one was baking, I'd be rolling out the next one a bit. Be patient, and roll them thin.

Make sure the skillet is hot, but not too hot.  After the first side has cooked about a minute or so, I use a clean cloth to press gently on the flatbread - this encourages puffing up.  Turn and press gently on the second side, too.

When they are done, you will need to let them cool just a bit before covering, but do cover them to keep them soft and pliable.  Otherwise they will get dry.  

To fill them, I made a mixture of chopped onions, garlic, corn and black beans with some minced jalapeno and chili powder, and mixed in a little salsa to bind it together.  I brushed some butter on one side of the flatbread, and put it butter-side down on the skillet.  Then, on one half of the bread, I put some cheese, then filling, and ended up with a bit more cheese, and folded it in half like a taco, and grilled each side.

I like that these turned out 'flakey' from the puffing.  I don't know if the sourdough 'helped' with the rise on these, but I thought so : )

I have pics, but I took them with an iPhone, and I don't know how to re-size them so they aren't too big to load.  (Apparently, cropping the photos doesn't do the trick!)

Mary Clare in MO

Try uploading them to photobucket or picasa, and then linking to the smaller versions on those sites.  I use picasa/google more than photobucket, and it gives you the option of a link that automatically sizes the photos to 640 x 480 that you simply cut and paste into the html version of your post.
