January 6, 2011 - 10:54am
Flour sources in Upstate NY
Can anybody recommend places to buy good bread flours and grains in the Rochester, NY area? I am able to find most of the things that I need at Wegman's, but have been unable to find high-gluten flour or hard spring wheat flour. They never seem to have quinoa in stock either.
Hello, another rochester native (o:
I have found some obscure stuff at Tadco/Niblack. It is in the genesee valley regional market on Jefferson Rd in Henrietta (across the parking lot from where Palmers meat counter used to be) They have a good selection and I have been satisfied with what I have used. They have a website, ingredientwarehouse.com and ship if anyone is looking for spices and such.
I like to shop at the Indian and Chinese grocery stores in Henrietta, so I'll check it out next time I'm there.
I'm always looking for excuses to visit Italian markets. Thanks!