Hamelman Vermont Sourdough
Have been lurking (and continuing to bake) for quite a while. I recently purchased my copy of Hamelman's "Bread" and have been really enjoying it. This book is definitely a step up for me in my journey.
So, I made the Vermont Sourdough and it was pretty wonderful. Then I decided to try the one with increased whole grain. My first mistake was in not thoroughly reading the formula before beginning -- was not expecting it to be too different. Only when I was putting together the final dough did I realize that the ingredient amounts were not correct. My dough is now in final proof stage, and I don't know how it will turn out.
I just read all of the previous posts regarding the printing errors, and have corrected my book to reflect the correct amounts. I had thought that it was only the water amount that was off. Now I see that it is also the flour amount. I added more whole wheat flour and hope that it all turns out OK.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy, and am learning from, this site.