First post
Have been looking at this forum for a couple of years
So I decided it is time I posted
I will try to attach 3 photos of my latest loaf
Starter at 100% 197g, Bread flour 295g, Rye flour 33g
Whole wheat (whole meal) flour 164g, Water 271g,
Butter 5g, Lemon juice 8g, Salt 8g, Rolled oats 82g,
Sunflower seeds 57g, Sesame seeds 16g. Hydration 65%.
I use a bread maker to do the kneading. 2 minutes on slow
2 minutes on normal, rest 30 minutes, add salt, mix on normal for 10 minutes
Put the seeds in at about 8 minutes
Do 4 folds at 30 minute intervals, let rise for 2 hours
Fold (it is bubbly & rising) shape, put in tin, leave on counter for 5 hours
It was coming out of tin so put it in Refrigerator for 4 hours.
Then baked in preheated oven (gas) at 260c
Steam for 15 min, down to 230c for about 30 minutes.
I have not got the flavour I was expecting, but it’s OK.
Have been reading about spelt flour, think I may get some
It apparently has a nutty flavour.
I live in Australia, and will post my successes as they happen.
Bill Parker
Based on what you've shared, the flavor may be a factor of the amount of salt you're using. If I read your ingredients list correctly looks to me like about 10 - 10.5 grams of salt would be needed.
I'd also suggest finishing the bake atk 210C rather than 230C.
Very nice looking loaf. Looks to be soft as a cloud.
Healthy-sounding ingredients and tasty-looking results!
You don't reckon you 'over-proofed' a little bit? Reading your formula, I think I would've done only 3 stretch-and-folds, shaped it, proofed it 2 hours (absolute tops!) slashed it and chucked it into the oven. You've got a lot longer times before baking than I would've used...still, the results look great!
I've gotta chip in with flournwater on the salt content, too, though...I calculated you've got about 650g of solids/dry ingredients, plus whatever is in your starter...I'd usually use about 11-13g of salt for about 450g (about a pound) of flour with very good results. Your recipe could do with 15g MINIMUM salt, (ie, DOUBLE) in my humble opinion...(I'd probably push it to 18-20g, but that's just me...)
Best of luck with your baking, sir!
Thanks for your comments flournwater & copyu
I will add more salt next time
If i go up to 12g salt that will be 2% bakers %
i have been holding back on the salt as 2%
(from what i have read) is suppose to be maxium
and is not good for the heart ???
Bill Parker
I have a "seeded sour" recipe from 'BreadTopia' that contains 505g of actual flour content (rye, whole wheat and white bread flour) plus a quarter-cup of starter, some yoghurt, amaranth seeds, quinoa, poppy seeds, millet and so on...those various extra ingredients add to the "bulk" of the dough
I haven't worked out the actual baker's percentages, because there are lots of cup and spoon measures, but if I use the flour content only, 13g salt is 2.5%. That's salty enough for me. All those other ingredients, some neutral, some sour, some bitter, will affect the taste of the final loaf, but they also need to be counted somewhere along the way
You remember the old trick for fixing a too-salty soup or stew? Chuck in a spud (or an extra spud)! It absorbs a lot of the salt. You can leave the spud in, or throw it out, but the too-salty food will taste better. The same thing happens when we put a lot of other ingredients into bread. Some absorb salt out of the dough, so the bread tastes a bit less 'flavoursome'
I think you're going to be OK with 2% but could go to to 2.5%. (The extra half-percent is for 'taste insurance'.) Gotta look after the old 'ticker', for sure, but don't forget the taste-buds. Heheheh!
Best, sir,