April 9, 2010 - 6:33am
Selling Bagels
How long will fresh bagels usually last. I am looking into selling home made bages at local growers market. Trying to figure if I could possibly made some of them a day or two ahead of time. Still working on a system to make as many as possible without loosing quality. Any other advice would be appreciated
We sell bagels for one day and only one day. After that "day old" bagels tend to be a bit too hard and chewy, so if we do have any left over, we knock the price down quite a bit.
I sell bread and bagels at farmers markets. I find that making things as fresh as possible, sometimes even bringing the bread or bagels still warm is what helps me sell them. The smell of fresh baked will draw them to your table.
Hi, Mountaineer -
I'm planning on selling sourdough baguettes at a local farmers market in the future. Are there any other tips or things you've learned in the process of selling fresh-baked goods at such a venue, that you'd be willing to pass along to us first-timers?
Many thanks :)
What do you plan on packaging them in. People at farmers markets particularly like the eco friendly options. I use these bags sold by nashville wrapshttp://www.nashvillewraps.com/food-packaging/bread-bags/c-049790.html
Also since you are selling sour dough, something I'm doing this year is bringing a small chunk of starter in a jar,( My starters name is Bob the Blob) then handing out a pamphlet on the health benefits of sour dough (ya know the ones you don't want to say out loud :) Hope this helps, Karen
Every product has its own shelf-life. Bagels typically last one day with a noticeable deterioration by day two. If your schedule necesitates that you bake at least one day ahead, consider selling items that last longer. Muffins or morning buns (with a higher fat content) might work. It would be counter-productive for you to sell short shelf-life products past their freshness. Customers may not return.
I started out 30 years ago selling at farmers markets with a home-baking license and then later owned a bakery and cafe for many years. I now teach "Start and Run a Home-Based Food Business" and impress upon my students that having a great product will bring customers back.
How about a portable wood fired oven and a propane turkey fryer for boiling the bagles that you can bring to the Farmers Market. Put together enough dough for a few hundred bagles and bake them on site. Might work out well and there would be no question about freshenss.