Hamelman's Berne Brot or Brioche w/o high gluten flour?


Hi!  I've just noticed that Hamelman's Broiche, Challah, and Berne Brot formulas from _Bread_ call for high gluten flour which I don't have access to.  I have KAF Bread, regular AP, and Hodgson Mills Vital Wheat Gluten.  The Berne Brot is 75% 11.7 flour and 25 % high gluten flour.  I was thinking about 1:1 Bread and AP flour for the 11.7 and all bread and a TBS of vital wheat gluten for the high gluten flour?

The 75/25 blend you mentioned will result in a protein level of 11.95%.

KA AP(all purpose) flour is 11.7 %, so if that is what you have, use that.

Other ap flours can be all over the map, as far as protein level is concerned. One source lists generic ap flour at about 10.3%. If that is what you have, then a blend of 31.25% generic ap and 68.75% kabf will achieve the target 11.95%.

Figures and calculations based using the Mixed Mass Calculator at:


Thank you!  Playing around with the calculator in the link, here is what I need (I think)


Formula: 24 oz 11.7% flour I use 10oz AP and 14 oz KAF Bread

Formula: 8oz 14% flour I use .19 oz vital wheat gluten and 7.81oz KAF Bread

It is the analytical chemist in me.  I can't help it.  I'm getting twitchy at the rounding I did.  ;)  The phrase 'retard overnight' makes me batty-how long *exactly* is that?


Sorry, I did make a mistake in my original explanation above, but the final target(actually 12.325%) is still lower than the 12.7% level of the KA BF, but again, your choice.

Anyway, I would think "overnight" as being about 8 hours. Assuming good refrigeration, 7-13 hours would probably produce similar results. Probably 8-12 being ideal.

AP for the main flour and 25% bread flour.  (And if I didn't have the bread flour I wouldn't sweat it.  Not one bit.)  Nothing worse than a chewy brioche.  It should be light and melt in the mouth kind of bite, not something that sticks to the roof of your mouth.  All bread flour would do that.


Apparently, Hamelman definitely had a specific target protein level in mind. Just pointing out that there was a less complicated blending method of getting there. Really no need to involve the vwg.

Mini Oven- do you mean regular AP or the higher protein KAF AP?  I was suprised to see the high gluten flour in such tender recipes myself but figure Mr. Hamelman has probably forgotten more about baking than I"ll ever know, so...?  Of course now I realize I don't have enough eggs so I have to wait to make it  AKA more time to drive myself nuts. :)

AP can vary.  Mine is 9% and my  bread flour is 12%.   Your AP might be higher.   Yes, I think he knows more about baking than both of us.   Have you checked in the search box to find out what others think of the recipe?  Type in the name of the recipe and go from there.  That might give you some direction.  Eventually you have to make a decision.