March 18, 2010 - 1:14am
How do you keep/store your bread after its made ?
Once the bread comes out where and how do you keep it ? My loafs last 3-4 days, right now I keep them on a wood cutting board with a microwave dome with holes on top of it. No refrigeration, no sealed plastic enclosures.
What is the best way to keep the bread fresh, crunchy and critter free ?
I used to keep mine in a cooled oven. 3-4 days sounds about right.
Recently, my mother-in-law bought me a bunch of these. Completely gimmicky, I know, but they work. Do they work better than a regular old plastic bag or bread box? Not sure. I never would have bought them on my own (nor will I in the future), because plastic is evil, etc. etc., and I'm not sure that I want to join the As-Seen-On-TV club for a few more decades. I hate it that they work, but I'm secretly glad that I have them.
Hi Eric, the link just went to the site, is the Debbie Meyer Bread bags ?
If your bread lasts 3 - 4 days your experience is pretty good. Breads made without preservatives that last 3 - 4 days are, in my experience, well cared for. I use a tightly sealed paper bag if I want to maintain more of the firm texture in the crust but if that's not important I just use a large heavy plastic bag. Lower quality plastic bags to allow for air to pass through and bread wrapped in them can lose moisture so the heavier bags (e.g. freezer bags) do a better job.
Refrigeration involves removing moisture from the air so putting your bread in the refrigerator, even in a plastic wrapper, will dry it out more quickly.
Here in the South there is a short winter where we can keep bread "the correct way". I guess that would be in paper and room temp. I have been using a parchment lined copper box. That works great Dec.- early March.
Unfortunately that fun time is now over, if we want to keep bread it must be wrapped and in the fridge. Humidity and heat do not make for good bread-keeping. I've read some comments where folks just keep freezing most of their bread.
I have been looking into a wine-cooler type refrigeration unit. With it one can set a reasonable temp. (maybe 50 degs or so) and some of them have a humidity regulator. I can think of many things besides bread (like fruit), that would keep better in there than a regular fridge. I can think of no other way to keep things fresh through our sweltery summers. (edited to read ... sweltery and/or damp summers, autumns, and springs)
I'll be interested in other responses, but I think I'm doomed to refrigeration.
I wrap my bread in waxed paper. It keeps the crunch of crusty loaves just fine and I get 3-4 days out of the bread.
I use an old black enamel turkey roaster thingy. I have several, they're always taking up room and rarely get used. Since my son has discovered he generally likes school lunches, it doesn't get eaten as often and I cut the loaf in half and freeze one. The other one keeps for 3-4 days, although it's not so fabulous by then. :)
Also, the baguettes (short, fatter ones, not proper long and skinny ones) using Anis Bouabsa's recipe found here on this site keep well in this roaster thing. OK, so by the next morning they're only good for very chewy toast, but still. I can't figure out if it's that enamel pot or that I use KA bread flour in the recipe.
I looked at bread drawers and clay pots and couldn't find anything locally and everyting online seemed so expensive, so as I was cleaning out the cabinets I found those roaster pans and figured I'd give it a go and it seems to work very well.
For a day or two where I don't expect to need to store longer, I will put it cut side down on a wood cutting board, then place in a cooled oven or microwave (we call that the bread box).
For "fresh" longer term storage, i.e. the sourdough white sandwich bread I make, I use one of these: I like it because it is reusable, longer, washable in the washing machine - and it store the bread very well. The amount of air that gets to the bread is controlled by the way it is rolled and sealed.
If I bake in bulk, I will either cool and wrap in foil then plastic wrap (usually if I think that I won't personally use the bread) or I will put it in a freezer bag (I suck the air out of it first).
I wish I could have a cute bread box, but it wouldn't do any good, I'm in the Gulf Coast where it feels dry outside when the humidity is in the 70's...
i use a food grade freezer bag to store my bread. i have been leaving it on the counter but since it is getting hot (i live in phoenix, az & we hit 82 today) i now place in the frig if it is not consumed by day 3. i use a romertopf to bake my bread but do not store in it.
Thank you all for your comments. I am getting that getting 3-5 days is good with the loaf still pretty fresh, crusty etc as I'm currently keeping it. As for the little critters, I'm going to start putting into the oven, when its off and at standing temp. If it keeps the way it has, great. BTW, I keep the house A/C-ed 24/7/365....probably why, living in Honolulu humid and hotter than a lot of places, does not affect its keeping ability.
Any other comments, keep them coming they are welcomed too !