I made my first two sourdough loaves last week with the barm that i constructed using Peter Reinhart's method in The Bread Bakers Apprentice. The bread turned out great, and I will post pictures as soon as I find the USB cord for my camera to my laptop (just moved :0) Anyway, now I want to use the barm again but do not know how to proceed. I know I have to refresh the barm, and I figured I would use 1 pound of what I have leftover and double it using 50% flour and 50% water, per PR's instructions. My question is, in the book, the instructions say after an overnight rest in the fridge the barm is ready for the next build... and then nothing. My assumption is that it can be used as it is in any sourdough recipe. Am I right, or are there other steps I should be taking before using the barm again?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. You all have been wonderful in getting me through the first few months of my new hobby!
I am reading Reinhart's book, BBA pp 227 et seq. Yes this barm can be refreshed and used again and again. I store mine in the refrigerator and begin my refreshing process a day or two before I use it again. If you have not done so already, I urge you to buy a set of scales for your bread baking.
My refreshing routine is remove the starter (barm) from the refrigerator bring to room temperature. Then refresh with a ratio of 1:1:1 by weight of starter:flour:water. Let that stand for eight to ten hours and repeat using the same ratios. Thus, Initially I'll use 3.3 oz. of each to give me 9.9 oz. total. Then after 8 hours I'll add 10 oz of flour and 10 oz. of water, mix and let stand overnight. The next day I'll have 29.9 oz of starter and I can use 25 oz. starter and put the rest back in the refrigerator for the next batch.
Good baking to you.
Thank you so much! I was concerned that I was totally going to mess this up after having such great success with the first batch of bread. I have been using a scale for bread ever since I started following everyone on this site and it has really made a difference in my results. Thanks again.
Here are the pictures I promised. Any comments or criticisms would be welcome!
Congratulations! If they tasted as good as they look, you will probably buy store breads only as an act of despiration.
Great open crumb!! Love those holes!
I can only hope my first loaves look that great.