1 lb. SAF Instant Yeast source in Atlanta


Just wanted to make a note that Atlantans can find the 1 lb bag of SAF instant yeast at the glorious (if smelly) Dekalb Farmers Market for $2.69 as of 02/10. I was resigned to having to order this online again (with no free shipping deal from King Arthur Flour like last time), but thought I'd check here as a last resort. I think I literally sang a little bit under my breath when I came upon the familiar red and white bags on the shelf. I had done lots of fruitless driving and Google searches trying to find a local brick & mortar source, and read that you can find this at Sam's, BJ's, etc, but I thought I'd put this out there for non-wholesale-club members like me. :)

You can also get it at the Belford highway farmer market for $2.69/lb, Atlanta, GA.



Also, check out their great selection of grains and flours.

Spices and dried herbs too; most of which are very inexpensive. Referring to Dekalb here.

Smelly is right.  :)  I'd gladly drive into town to find a good source of flours and yeast in bulk.  Thanks for the thread.

I live right around the corner from Dekalb.  Just in the last 8 months or so, they have started carrying a lot of organic flour in bulk.  I buy a lot of their whole wheat ($.79/lb).  Great quality but I've found it to have a lower gluten content than I would like for bread baking.  They do have a wide selection including teff flour, oat flour, high gluten bread flour, spelt, multiple colors of corn, and even semolina and farina flour.


What kind of flours do you all usually get and where do you get it?  It would be great to do some price comparison without driving all over town.  I would be happy to get all the Dekalb flour prices the next time I go...





See my post above. Trader Joe's now carries TJ brand white whole wheat flour (strongly suspecting it's still KAF making it though they officially ended their partnership with TJ's) for $2.99/5 lbs. I'm working through some of that now. Whole Foods has the bulk bins stocked with rye and other oddball flours for pretty good prices, though I don't have hard numbers on those. Hah, I was dazzled by all the Dekalb FM flours when I went a few months ago and bought some whole wheat pastry flour which has been used about once. Oops. Any good recipes for that? I never even come across recipes using plain white pastry flour.

I usually buy at least one tub of "mystery" flour whenever I go there too. I bought a tub of the ww pastry flour about 6 months ago, not really knowing what to do with it.  I keep it in the freezer. I usually mix a little in with the dough whenever I make cinnamon rolls, scones, or cookies, which is not very often. In their latest blog, KAF has a recipe for ww scones. It will probably work well there.

The last time I went, a couple of months ago, I did the same thing in buying a tub of the spelt flour. I really had no idea what I was buying there, and guess I did not really even take a good look at it. In my dimly lit basement where my extra freezer is, I had decided that it was probably white spelt. When I decided to use it and brought it up, I realized it was whole grain. It made a delicious 50/50 mix with bread flour for a loaf of bread. It bakes up soft and fluffy as compared to whole wheat, but otherwise is similar.

As far as KAF and Trader Joe's; KAF does not mill it's own flour. Trader Joe's probably realized it has enough buying power to purchase directly from the same type sources as KAF. 



I usually get 2  1 pound bags at BJ's for a little over $3!! I have also looked at Costco for it....but instead of getting the yeast at Costco...I get 20 pounds of white wheat flour at Costco for a little over $7!! I love it!!

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Our BJ store has a very limited supply of flours (all bleached, I think) and I didn't see any bulk yeast.  Do others in the Atlanta area have a better selection?

Anybody have an idea where 25# bags of KAF unbleached white flour can be purchased in the Kansas City area? I've just come to baking in the last couple of years and as my ability improves, I'm getting more and more frustated having to buy 5# bags. Thoughts? THX!

Thought I'd piggyback on this slightly related thread to let Atlantans without a good unbleached flour source know that at both Ingles and Kroger this week, Gold Medal All-Purpose Unbleached 5 lbs bags are going for $1.50. I believe the regular price is around $2.69. This is definitely a stock-up price for me. I mean that comes out to $0.30/lb, or  $13.45 for 25 lbs at regular price vs. $7.50 at sale price! Sorry...I'm a little addicted to costing things out. :D

Hey All,

I just stocked up on flours at Sevananda.  For those who are not familiar with them...


They carry Arrowhead Mills organic whole wheat flour in bulk for $1.19/lb.  

Organic spelt flour is $1.59/lb.

Organic rye flour is $1.59/lb.

They also have an extensive bulk selection of grains including white wheat berries, red wheat berries, rye berries, rye flakes, whole spelt, amaranth and others.  

I was most excited about the high quality organic whole wheat flour in bulk.  Hard to find good quality organic stuff at that price.  

Sevananda has no membership costs or additional fees.  If you want, you can buy a $120 one-time membership and get 10% off one shopping trip once per month.  


Just to be clear, you don't need a membership to shop at Sevananda but it is available for those who want the discounts.

My first loaf with it is proofing right now.  From the nutrition info, it has a slightly higher protein content than King Arthur.  So, I am hopeful.  I will post the results soon...

Just got back from Whole Foods.  They have a 360 brand organic WW flour at $4.69 for 5 lbs.  

Also, it looks like the Arrowhead Mills flour will work great.  High protein content...

I would not make a special trip for this, but if you happen to be in a Publix store, GM flours are on sale for $1.49 for 5lb bags. Some of the Better for Bread packages, have a hot pink, "save .55 now" sticker/coupon affixed. I found three such bags at the Cascade Crossing store, and bought all three.

Also noticed that King Arthur flour prices seem to be slowly falling since the beginning of the year. They are on sale for $3.29 for 5lbs at Publix.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'm a big fan of combining great sales and coupons. I'll have to look for those. And $3.29 really isn't bad for KAF at all!!

Wish I could get KAF at a better price here. Most of the time it is $7.00 for a 5# bag. It did go on sale a couple of time during this last holiday time.



I'm also in Atlanta and frequent both Dekalb Farmer's Market and Sevananda for my bread baking needs.  Aside from the flours mentioned already, DFM also carries an amazingly cheap kilo bag of doppio zero flour.  They don't always have it in stock however.  I think it's only like 1.89 a bag.  Brand is Delverde.  I have made focaccia and pizza with this.   Both DFM and Sevananda are a great source for those who like to grind their own rye, spelt, and wheat berries as well.  Also, both have a lot of seeds and grains you can purchase in bulk.

Thanks for the tip on the doppio zero flour.  I will keep an eye out the next time I am there.  I live very close to DFM, so that is good to know.

I live about a mile from Sevananda and just a few miles from the DFM myself.  By the way, if the doppio zero is in stock it should be over by the SAF yeast and other packaged items.


Nice to have other baking experts around.  I'm in the process of finishing an earthen oven in the backyard.  I'll let you know when we have the first firing.  You can bring some dough!

I'd love to check out your oven some time.  I even have an unopened bag of that doppio zero flour from the DFM.  Maybe I'll save it for the christening of your oven?

I do most of my shopping at Publix food stores here in town.  My Publix stores did not reduce prices on Gold Metal flour as the ones in Atlanta did.  I talked with the manager of one and put in a plug for keeping more flours available for bread makers.  They currently keep a ton of self-rising flours in various quantities and all brands for the biscuit makers down here, but only 2 brands of bread flour, and one brand of whole wheat.  I like the guy, but I think it'll take more effort to change that than he's willing to put into it.  

Just picked it up today at Dekalb Farmers Market...


$1.89 per kilo.  It is labeled Farina 00 and is in a white package near the bulk flours.

Just got back with organic whole wheat flour from DFM.  It's now $.69/lb!  That's no typo.  And it's organic.  Unbelievable price.

Thanks for the price update. It's been too long since I made it over there, I'll have to go next week before my dinner party and see what other goodies I can justify splurging on. ;)

A while back, I actually talked to someone at DFM who gave me the source of their flour.  It's good quality stuff.  Let me see if I can find the web site... 

Tipo 00 flour for pizza is available at both Toscano and Sons in downtown Atlanta and at E. 48th St. Market in Dunwoody (which also has authentic NY heros and other food).

And for anyone looking for white or light rye, Rainbow Natural Foods in Decatur has it.



So I checked out Rainbow Natural Foods in Decatur based on this recommendation, but they didn't have white rye.  They didn't even seem to know what I was referring to.  They just had whole rye.  Do you remember if it was sold in their own bags, or maybe it was frm Bob's Red Mill?  They carry a lot of Bob's products, but they didn't have white rye the other day.

It's in their own bags, labeled organic rye flour. When I called just now, they told me they have it in the cereal aisle (near produce section, third aisle from the door), bottom shelf. It's $1.04 a pound.

It sounds as though the person you spoke to just wasn't that familiar with what they carry.


So what they label "organic rye flour" is actually white rye?  I did inspect the bags and they didn't look much different than the whole rye I purchase from either the DFM or Sevananda.  They're labeled whole rye, and are just as finely ground as what I found at Rainbow.

I haven't bought rye from DFM or Sevananda (and I've always thought of whole rye as rye chops rather than the entire grain, ground, but I could be wrong about that).

All I can tell you is that the rye I got from Rainbow gave me the same results as the white rye I've bought in other cities


I have substituted whole rye for white rye in formulas because I've never been able to find a local source for white rye and I'm not obsessed enough to order online.  I get good results, but I have no basis for comparison.  It just seems sort of obscure for a store to sell "white rye" instead of the usual ground whole rye--although I guess with rye there is no real standard in the U.S. (or so I've read).

Having bought Sevananda's rye flour today and compared it to Rainbow's, I believe you're correct that both are ground whole rye.

I confess that I have not found rye flour actually labeled white or light rye anywhere in the Atlanta area.

If this is important to you, I wonder if sifting out the bran from whoel rye flour would do.


It's not important to me at all.  As you pointed out, the stuff we can get locally produces a great tasting bread.  I just remember back when I first got Dan Leader's book and I wanted to stick to the formulas for his Eastern European breads that I couldn't find any white rye.  So when you mentioned that white rye was available at Rainbow it gave me an excuse to check that place out.  I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to get any.  I just wanted to report back that they don't actually sell white rye, if anyone else was looking to purchase some there.

For those looking for bulk flour, I just picked up a 50 lb. bag of their organic whole wheat flour for $25!  

Where are the bulk flours(50# bags) located? Do you know what other bulk(25/50# bags) they have?

Last time there, I looked for some and did not see any. It was probably right in front of my face though. Just like I almost missed the Delverde 00, but it was right there. It didn't register(with me) how small the kilo bag would be.


 I went up yesterday and picked up 1 to 2 lb quantities of various flours, seeds and grains.  I love the selection and the prices are very good.  I have not seen large quantities of anything other than rice.

At DFM, you will need to ask for a 50 lb. bag.  I believe you can buy large quantities of any flour they have that is in their signature clear plastic containers.  You will need to ask someone or you can walk into the back of the store past the spices.  Just tell them what you want and they will take your cart and load you up!

That's great!  My interest would be in the whole wheat flour also, but what about long-term storage?  The 50 lb quantity would last me about a year.  I sure don't have that much fridge space.

I believe you can get a 50 lb. bag of any bulk flour that DFM sells.  As for storage, that is an issue.  We have a deep freeze with plenty of room at our house.  I keep the extra in there.

I've never seen "bread" flour at the DFM.  The only wheat flours are whole, all-purpose, high-gluten, and a pastry flour.  I don't know how much weaker the gluten is in their AP to a comparable name-brand bread flour like King Arthur or coversely how much stronger their high gluten flour is.  I usually just substitute AP for any formula calling for bread flour though.