Looking for a light, fluffy white fig walnut bread recipe


We have a local bakery called FlavorField in Taibei, Taiwan that used to make a nice light, fluffy white bread with figs and walnuts, nothing at all like the dense, sweet loaves I see when I search for fig bread recipes. These are small, golden brown batards, lightly dusted in spots with flour, a soft crust, cream-colored fine crumb which is chewy, not sweet, and then a sprinkling of chopped figs with a few walnuts. It keeps well for a few days, but does not taste rich. Very nice with coffee in the morning or as a light snack.

They have now stopped making it.

I wonder whether anyone can recommend a recipe for something like this; I've searched, and most fig bread recipes seem too rich and heavy. I've never made a light fluffy white bread of any kind, so a push in the right direction would be appreciated.

Hi Dragonbones,

We have a bakery in California called Andersen Bakery that sells a very similar bread.  I tried it the other day and fell in love with it.  I, too, have been trying to look for a recipe to replicate a similar loaf.  I came across this one from Wild Yeast's Blog and it seems like it's what we're looking for.  The original recipe uses Cherries but I'm sure you can substitute with figs.