Trouble with Spelt Bagels
We are having a lot of trouble with our spelt bagels. We are a small baking company that uses ONLY spelt flour in our conventional products. We have all our other cakes, cookies, and scone recipes down but for some reason our bagels are going flat on us. (We are not baking bread as of yet but hope to in the future). Our bagel baker did some reasearch which indicates it could be from too much water or too much flour. How am I supposed to know which?
I started making bagels in the winter using wheat bread flour. They were awesome. Then one day I had my other baker make the bagels and she used spelt by accident. The bagels turned out great that day and for a few weeks afterwards. Now we are having problems. We are using Peter Rhinehart's recipe. It's for a wheat bagel recipe.
When the weather was cooler the bagels were fine. Now they are splat. I think it is from over proofing. My bagel maker thinks differently. Last week I kneaded in more flour thiking the dough was not stiff enough. Liz can't round as tightly as I can so we did a side by side to see if THAT was the trouble. It wasn't. That week they went splat, too. Maybe we just need to use ice water in the sponge and knead them less?
Helend, I know you bake with spelt, can you help? I can't find your postings. I wasn't sure which topic to post this under.