Not upset....just bewildered


I've been making sourdough for about 5 months now. I have a great wild yeast starter. The end product of my labors has been nothing short of great---great tasting bread, beautiful crumb, and a yummy thick chewy crust.

The only part from beginning to end that seems to frustrate me is the proofing/scoring stage. I don't get much rise during the proofing stage, so when I place the dough in the heated cloche, it falls out of the basket as a shapeless blob. I do my best to score (tried many different types of knives), but the dough just takes on this hapless shape with unattractive pull and stretch marks from the knife. Fast-forward 30-ish minutes and the bread comes out of the oven fantastic---huge spring and a nice crackling sound coming from the crust as it expands/contracts from the heat.

I've seen the pictures and watched the videos and have noticed that for many the dough at the scoring stage is quite firm. In an effort to comfort me, my partner tells me it's the end result that matters most; however, I am a conformist.

What do you all think? Is my slack dough during the proofing stage a result of too wet of dough? Maybe I didn't knead it enough and let the gluten development more? Any suggestions or feedback would be welcomed.


I think it would be most helpful to post the recipe you are using, especially the hydration of the dough.

I don't have it here, but its Peter R "Basic Sourdough" recipe from the Bakers Apprentice.  From time to time, I've played with the amount of water as well as the hydration level of my starter (which is 75% right now).

will make a big difference, as mentioned above. I also bake with a 75% sourdough formula. Pulling some tension into the dough makes a huge difference- you get  a better shape, and a way easier score. Also, I made an unholy mess with my scoring until I got a wicked sharp blade. 


I took some photos last night of a loaf I had in progress.  I used my iPhone so the photos are not high quality.  This is one I took out of the fridge after overnight proofing.

After the cloche was thoroughly heated, I inverted the dough and dropped it in.  TThe dough was rather flat when I dropped it in.

And here is my "attempt" to score the dough.

While it doesn't look nice, it actually had a nice shape when baked. 

I generally create a lot of tension after I divide the dough and shape it for proofing. 

In terms of knives, I will just have to invest in a lamle (sp?) or locate a super sharp fine blade knife.

What do you think?


I use PR's recipes also, and am having tremendous "luck."  I use that word advisedly, as I'm really an amateur... don't really know much about baking.

Also, I use the cloche.

I have experienced the problems you discuss -- but recently have been experiencing some success.  First, I do four "stretch-and-folds" in the first hour.  Really makes a difference re: tightening up what otherwise is a very slack dough.

Then, after three days in the fridge, I shape the loaves and put them in a parchment paper lined cloche...No!  Not the one I'm going to bake in, as that one will be brought to at least 450F.

Third, the loaves proof [for nearly 3 hours] after being wet-oil misted and the exposed tops covered with plastic wrap.

One half hour before baking -- remove the plastic wrap, and let the dough stiffen up at bit... makes it easier to score.

Ten minutes before baking, score the bread.  I use single edge razor blades taped on to a pencil... High Tech!

Then, all I do is pick up the parchment paper and the dough and transfer it to the sizzly-hot baking cloche.  The size is the same, the shape the same... no plopping, no losing air... etc.

I quickly cut the excess parchment away -- leave the rest -- put the top on and bake as usual.  [BTW -- I immediately drop the temp to 420F, remove the lid @ 20 minutes, drop the temp to 395F for another 15 minutes... until internal temp is 195F - 205F]

Good luck!

~ Broc