These batards are the first progeny of the sourdough starter i made using gaaarps' tutorial, and also my first 100% wild yeast loaves ever.
Basically the loaves are Reinhart's basic sourdough in the BBA, but I substituted whole wheat for 6oz of the bread flour, and also a cold overnight soaker with 4oz oatmeal, 3 oz polenta, 1.5oz flaxseed and 12oz water. I bumped up the salt from 0.5oz to 0.7oz.
This is tasty bread. The smooth sweetness of the oatmeal is a nice counterpoint to the tang of the sourdough, and polenta and seeds add a little "tooth".
Had I not come across TFL, I doubt these loaves would ever have existed. Which would be a shame indeed. My thanks to all.
What a satisfying start to your wild yeast adventure! Gorgeous!
David, very nice looking loaves. I really like your shaping and slashing. The flaxseed adds a nice visual appeal, too.
Phyl, thanks, and thanks too for the starter tutorial. In my view it clarifies the process better than anything I've come across elsewhere. Super job. You're the midwife for these breads. :)
Pablo. Thanks also.
You are right that w/o this tutorial there are a lot of great bread experiences that would not have taken place. You have certianly taken a huge step in creativity.