

I'm new to bread baking. So far i have only  tried making sandwich bread. Unfortunately I havent been very successful with it.

i would appreciate any help with ideas and recipes suggestions. I'm really new to this and dont know much bout baking breads.



Welcome to TFL, Sally,

As an aside, typing in all caps is the same as screaming in cyberspace - you don't need to do that here as TFL members are eager to help.

There are a couple of tabs on the main page titled "Lessons" and "Handbook."  As a new baker, I think you'll find helpful information contained in those sections.

Happy baking!


don't despair.  when i started with TFL in February this year, I knew nothing - nada - zilch - about baking bread.  as a beginner, expect to have some initial disasters, but do persist.  i managed to come up with beautiful loaves, soft rolls, sweet buns - thanks to the gracious and generous help of members here.  i have learned so much.  next year, i will graduate into sourdough, and actually started my starter last night.

may i suggest:

a)  borrow as many bread books as you can from your local library (you might be inspired by peter reinhart, Bread Baker's Apprentice).

b)  surf cyberspace with your keywords "baking bread", "bread tutorials", "bread for beginners" etc.

c)  when you have a specific recipe, you can then narrow your help question.

and as lindy said, TFL has some wonderful tutorials and handbooks!

keep us posted on your progress!

so sorry if i offended anyone wit the caps..... jus desperate, thanx tho..

i jus tried out another loaf sandwich bread in the bread maker. after reading and using the advice on TFL, my loaf looks pretty good!!!!

i think i was using way too much yeast...

thanx again