I bake Hamelman's Workday 100% Whole Wheat Workday 100% WW, With Notes every other week (alternating with various ryes).
I usually add the walnuts that my wife likes, but I started baking bread so that I could add the garnishes I like, so I made this the other day with 60g each of rinsed and chopped black olives and chopped onion. And I substituted in about 125g of coarse rye flour (ie pumpernickel) when my kitchen container of whole wheat flour ran out. The combination of the garnishes and the pumpernickel turned out to be noticeably tastier than usual.
I made a few mistakes during the bake, and my shaping isn't great anyway, so I'm not sharing photos of the loaf. But sliced and topped with smoked whitefish spread and capers, or tapenade, made a very nice breakfast.
When I make something that my wife says looks good,i reply that I was actually hoping it would taste good. Taste is what counts in my book
Appearance and taste typically go hand in hand since they spring from the same sources - experience and skill.
I am with you on the 100% ww bakes -no matter what. BF gives a nice rise and crumb but I always go back to 100%.:) I have to get into the toppings you mentioned
smoked whitefish spread and capers, or tapenade
You must have yummy breakfasts!
Thanks for sharing on your bakes.