Jeffrey HamelmanEditions


Any suggestions/opinions on which Jeffrey Hamelman edition to purchase? Recently read through edition 1 at an Airbnb - I'm a bit of a traditionalist but also see the new edition has some interesting new updated recipes....which means the deletion of originals. 

Jeffrey Hamelman joined in on our conversation back in March.

Hamelman's bread, third edition is coming. | The Fresh Loaf

I have all three editions and the 3rd is well worth purchasing IMO.

Another interest read is here: Lost recipies in Hamelman's "Bread" | The Fresh Loaf

Also, I love this Hamelman quote: “I love bread. I love straight doughs, sourdoughs, seeded breads, breads with fruits and nuts, flatbreads, egg breads, rolls, braids, giant loaves, baguettes, round and oval loaves. If a bread is made with respect for fermentation and ingredients, if it’s made with care and authenticity, then I think it has a place in our collective bread basket.” 

