I'm new to the forum but stumbled on it looking for some help for a bit of trouble I've been having.
I have been baking for farmers market for about 3 years out of home and recently rented a commercial space that is already outfitted. The problem I've been having is with the oven. Its a older Blodgett cabinet convection oven and the convection does not turn off. I can't get a good oven spring because the oven is so dry. Does anyone have any advice?
The best thing to do in any oven is to get the bread into a container of some kind. Dutch ovens are probably the most common. It keeps steam in and helps with rise. I find it actually works great with convection. Something like this would work too:
I have used Dutch ovens or cloches, but the cost of buying 10-20 of them at once is a bit prohibitive!
the search box in the upper right corner has tons of articled on steaming. the best results I have ever had is a metal pan in the bottom filled with a cotton towel (old bath towel) and covered in boiling water before placing on bottom of the oven. remove after 10 minutes.