The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Sourdough bake 8-20-2015

rgconner's picture

Sourdough bake 8-20-2015

Previous attempts on sourdough have been ok, but not great.

I decide I would combine more than one process to see if I could increase the sourness and texture of my bread.

Biga overnight:

360g 50/50 starter

440g flour

365g water

per Forkish ratios

after 14hrs I had a nice biga, bubbling along nicely.

Remainder of flour, water, salt added to complete dough (75% hydration) and left for bulk ferment. 

6hrs later, good 3X rise with a decent sour note to the smell. Divide and shaped, then 4hrs refrigerated proofing.


And pretty good crumb:


I think the crumb could be more consistent, it is a little dense around the edges. I suspect it is from either too short of a time in the cold proofing, or needed more time proofing warm before going in the fridge. 


Flavor is good, much more sour than previous attempts, will have to see how the family likes it. 


dabrownman's picture

method bread came out great.  i don't get the hydration caclulations though.  If the 360 g of levain are 10% hydration I'm not sure what 50/50 means)then the overall hydration is 545 G of water and 620 g of flour or 87.9% hydration - well into ciabatta territory and not what the bread looks like?

No matter the bread looks grand and math can catch up with it:-)

Happy baking 

rgconner's picture

Levain is 100% hydration or half water, half flour



180g Starter

620g Biga

200g Final


180 Starter

365 BIga

205 final

so 750g of water.


I don't think I gave the amounts in the final, which is where it comes out