The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Another first: Challah

davidg618's picture

Another first: Challah

This is Challah formula from Ciril Hitz's, Baking Artisan Bread. It's tonight's dessert with cream cheese and jam, and tomorrow morning's French Toast.

David G


kdwnnc's picture

That is the most beautiful braided loaf I have ever seen!

wally's picture

I'll bet it makes a lovely french toast!  Nice braiding.


dmsnyder's picture


SylviaH's picture

Looks delicious and congratulations on a first real Beauty!


davidg618's picture

There! I said it! Ya'll!

I'm an expat Yankee living in Florida. I love listening to USA southern accents. They hint of times past, when society's pace was slower; can I say, more genteel? 

I especially like "ya'll". The way most Southerns say it, it holds an intimacy, "you all" lacks. It implies community, friendliness, and inclusion of all present, even if only for that moment.

Until this instant, I've been too uptight Yankee to use it (afraid I'd embarrass myself?); even in cyberspace and e-community I've resisted. 

So, once again, thanks, ya'll, for your encouraging words, and the opportunity to expand my Yankee boundaries, if only slightly;-)

David G

P.S. About the bread: we've decided we like this better than brioche. I'll do this again.


Broc's picture

Beautifious bread -- I make Challah at least once a week [Reinhart's].

About Y'all --

Originally, this was black slave speech, rapidly accepted a "quaint" by whites, then quickly gained acceptance.

Unlike most other languages, English uses "you" for both singular and plural.  The slaves, trying to express a plural, invented "you all, y'all."  Once-upon-a-once, Y'all would only be used when addressing more than one... but has been used for both singular and plural for the past several centuries.

~ Best!

~ Broc






davidg618's picture

I am always delighted to learn the etymology of a word or phrase, especially slang, and common phrases. Two of my favorites are, "It cost me an arm and a leg." and references about passing through the "eye-of-the-needle".

I just looked at Reinhart's challah formula in his BBA. It's nearly identical to the one I used.

David G

Bee18's picture

Hi David,

This beautiful challah is looking exactly like the one my mother was making every Friday when I was young. I never saw a picture of a challah looking like this one. It has the color, the same crumb looking and I can almost smell the special smelling of the fresh Challah cooling out of the oven. The crust was crispy and the inside firm but velvety and was better than a brioche. Sometimes she made them round for the Jewish holidays.

I never made one by myself,feeling that I will not reach the right thing. Now after you had woken up the reminiscence of my younger age I think I'm going to give a go. I should have the recipe my mother wrote down before she past away but I wonder if it's the same as the one you are using. Can you write it down on this site, as I haven't the book you talk about. Thanks for this and for the enjoyment I got watching at your spendid photo that literally made me salivate (it seems to be in 3D and you can almost touch and tear a piece of it!)


jyslouey's picture

Looks beautiful and the glazing is just perfect.  Is this a six strand braid?

davidg618's picture

I made two loaves, one a 5-strand, and one a 6-strand. We both liked the 6-strand better because of its natural volume. Even with the relatively stiff challah dough, the 5-strand braid naturally lays flat. Both loaves exhibited good oven spring, but the 6-strand one out.

David G.

ovguide's picture

It is so beautiful!

Could you please post recipe?




davidg618's picture


but, having written professionally, I'm perhaps overly sensitive about copyrights, and how they protect the author and publisher.

Except for substituting butter for vegetable oil, this formula is from Baking Artisan Bread, by Ciril Hitz. I encourage you to get it through your local library.

As I noted above, it is nearly identical to Reinhart's in The Bread Baker's Apprentice. 

I hope this satisfies in lieu of posting Hitz' formula.

David G