Panettone Progress 24'

standing panettone loaf

It's been about a year since I posted my "first" panettone.  That was at the end of 2023 and in 2024, I set out to make panettone every week - that actually lasted a few months until I couldn't really manage it anymore.  I had to get creative, stashing the dough in the fridge if something came up, controlling fermentation with temperature or by moving sugar between the first and second doughs, even letting the second dough fully proof and putting it in the fridge to bake the next day.  I might have broken some rules, but my approach to making panettone has aligned more with how I'd approach making a regular sourdough loaf and less with the "rigid" panettone process you often read about.


Pasta Madre

I've been working a lot on my pasta madre.  Part of the reason I made so much panettone was to try and figure out this primo acidification issue.  After fermentation, the primo should be tripled with a pH just over 5.0 or even as low as 4.6, depending on who you ask.  My primo?  4.1 - 4.3.  Does that even matter?  I think so.  Higher acidity can affect the gluten, which can affect the crumb structure and the height of the final loaf, to name a few.  In any case, I guess I won't know for sure how much it matters until I fix it.


I use King Arthur Bread Flour for my pasta madre and it has never behaved like a typical PM.  I convinced myself that my starter was somehow special, that the enriched North American flour I was using wasn't suitable for a pasta madre, and that the pH readings would inevitably be different because of all of this.  I still think there might be something to that, but I'm no longer using it as an excuse when something doesn't go right - and in fact I did get it under control...sort of.


My pH values have never been right with this PM.  After a night's rest, where it should be 3.8 - 3.9, I would get 4.1.  After a hot refreshment, where you'd expect 4.1 I would get 4.3 - 4.6!  I couldn't help but think this was contributing to the acidification issue, so I wanted to sort it out.  I also vaguely remember reading somewhere that a primo with a very low pH could be caused by a PM that is too acetic. A lightbulb went on.


Since my original post here about my "Panettone Trouble", I have treated lactic acid as my mortal enemy when making panettone.  I understand its role and importance, but too much of it and the dough will fail, so I began doing everything I could to make my PM as acetic as possible - after all, an ugly or imperfect panettone was better than none at all.  Obviously, you can't completely eliminate lactic acid (and wouldn't want to), but I thought trying to do so would at least result in a more acetic balance than lactic and I wouldn't risk my dough turning to soup.  My dough never really failed with this approach, but perhaps I went too far in one direction.


PM Management

I never thought that I would be one of those people who says "only you know your past madre", but here I am, cautioning you against trying anything I'm about to explain because it doesn't entirely align with traditional thinking.  Listen to the professionals.  I have "broken" my PM, "killed" it so many times in order to figure some of this out (as simple/obvious as it may seem).  I've paid in tears (metaphorically - I try not to cry over bread).


Here is my original PM management from before I attempted to correct any of this:

  • Night Rest - 1:1, 40% hydration, free, 18C for 16 - 24hrs.  resulting pH 4.1 - 4.2.
  • Hot Refreshment - 2:1 (flour:starter), 45% hydration, free, 28C for 4.5 - 6hrs. resulting pH 4.3 - 4.6.
  • Off Days - sometimes would go from night rest/maintenance right back into maintenance with no hot refreshment. I tried at least every few days to work in a hot 2:1 refreshment
  • Production - hot 2:1 refreshment out of maintenance, then 1:1, then mix primo


My first goal was to get to the right pH values, focusing initially on the pH after the night's rest.  It's not that I think 3.8 - 3.9 is some magical range that "purifies" the starter (it might, I certainly don't know),  just that if I started that low, maybe I'd have a better chance of hitting 4.1 after a hot refreshment.  The issue was I was already sort of at the top of the temperature range and didn't know what else I could adjust to increase acidity within the same time frame.  I didn't want to go lower than 1:1 (meaning I didn't want to use less flour than starter), so I looked at other areas.  What would happen if I just left it to ferment longer during maintenance? I spend a lot of time in books and social media reading about this stuff and I haven't often heard of a night's rest that lasts longer than 24 hours, so I tried it and left it for ~48 hours.


After 48 hours, it was right where I wanted it, between 3.8 and 3.9!  This also corrected the hot refreshments. Starting with a lower pH did in fact help my warm refreshments land around 4.1 - 4.2.  I didn't love 48 hour maintenance though.  Sometimes, I see a window in my schedule and decide to bake, but that would be difficult with a 48 hour maintenance, so I looked at some other things I could change.


I was mixing my PM for maintenance at 40% hydration.  Why?  Because that's what it seemed like everyone else did.  It seemed to me that everyone was using lower hydrations for the night's rest and higher hydrations for warm refreshments.  Meanwhile my hands and pasta roller were crying. I know that fermentation is faster at higher hydrations.  Higher hydrations are also said to promote a more lactic balance.  This was exactly what I was looking for, so I tried it and it worked...sort of.


If I mix my PM at 45% hydration and let it fully rise at room temp, then put at 18C until the next day, the pH is usually about 3.9, or at least below 4.0.  I'm happier with how this PM is behaving as far as its acidity goes, but it has made zero difference in the mystery of the acidifying primo.


Here's the new routine:

  • Night Rest- 1:1, 45% hydration, free, 18C. Rest at room temp (~22C) until fully risen, the ferment at 18C until the next morning.  Resulting pH 3.8 - 3.95
  • Hot Refreshment - 2:1, 45% hydration, free, 28C for 4.5 - 6hrs. resulting pH 4.1 - 4.25
  • Off Days - similar to what I was doing before.  When I don't have time to refresh or I am mixing the second dough and don't want to have to deal with my PM, I'll take it for the night's rest before fully risen and will leave it at 16C instead of 18C.
  • Production - same schedule as before, but I'm finding it easier to land in 4.1 over consecutive warm refreshments if they're all 1:1. The initial 2:1 refreshment takes longer than I'd like to acidify (maybe this is a clue to further adjustments...)


In general, I've stared viewing my PM as "just" a starter.  I cut out all of the PM-specific things you often hear about - submerging the starter in water, tying it in a cloth, bathing it in sugar water, etc.  Now I just mix it, coil it (I still do this because I've grown accustomed to how it looks when it's ready), put it in a container, and then set it at whatever temp I want.  While the pH values are better now, I'm still wondering if it's "too acetic".


Again, if you're struggling with your PM, don't just do what I do.  The first handful of times I tried free management, my PM became a useless lump of dough that sometimes wound up in the trash.



Given the acidification issue, which has been present in all of my bakes and will likely remain for some time, I wanted to see how far I could "push" the dough - how tall of a loaf could I get?  How much could I open the crumb?  How nice of a dome could I get?  While I was baking fairly regularly, I was always left with a loaf that had one visual "defect" or another - a little flat, a little short, a little lopsided.  Nothing major but how were people getting these perfectly round domes every single time?


Another challenge was the formula.  Most of last year I was using Giorilli's formula because it's held in pretty high regard and is said to be forgiving. Making it feels like a right of passage in a way.  The real challenge for me though was Roy's formula.  This never came out right and I was more often than not left with a "cakeattone" that , if I was lucky, had just enough strength to not fall when hung.  Honestly, it was always a disaster and closing the second dough with more water seemed insane. If you've made this recipe before, you might have skipped the water in the second dough, like I often did (didn't help lol).


Now, Roy's formula is all I make.  The first time I made it somewhat successfully and tasted it, I almost cried (almost.  I try not to cry over bread).  Roy's panettone was definitely in there somewhere.  Underneath all of the mistakes/issues, you could taste it.  What changed?  Nothing.  Everything.  I don't know.


I got my hands on this book you might be familiar with, called "Open Crumb Mastery" by Trevor J. Wilson.  It's a really interesting view of how all of the different steps throughout the baking process can affect the final crumb.  With these concepts in mind, I adjusted my panettone process to try and achieve some of the goals I mentioned.  Here's what it looks like...


Panettone Process

I'm happy to list the ingredients and ratios, but if you've gotten this far, you probably know Roy's formula or where to find it. In any case, the ingredients and ratios don't matter all that much.  I follow the same process regardless.  The most important ingredient is the probably the flour and I've been using Petra 6384 for panettone, though I still use KABF for all PM refreshments before the primo.


First, I prepare my PM for "production", as mentioned above.  After mixing the final refreshment, I prepare my primo ingredients by measuring everything out and putting it in the fridge.  I heat the water and sugar until the sugar is dissolved and then put that in the fridge.  Flour, eggs, and mixing bowl also go in the fridge.  Dough hook goes in the freezer.  Butter goes in the chiller at 18C.  I'm using a planetary mixer so I have to take precautions to keep the dough temp low.  Throughout the mixing process for both doughs, I even keep ice packs under my mixing bowl to keep the dough temp down.   The dough never goes over 22C while mixing.


When the PM is ready, I mix the primo.  First, mix the sugar syrup with the starter and flour for about 15 minutes.  Next, I add the eggs and mix until the gluten mesh is recovered, then the butter.  I leave this all to ferment at whatever random temperature I want for however long I need 🤣.  I usually finish this in the evening, so I'll leave it at room temp and will throw it in the fermentation box at maybe 24-25C until the morning.  I never time it - I just wait until it triples.  


Once tripled, I put the dough in the fridge for about 30 minutes while I prepare the ingredients for the second dough (I try to do this the night before).  Same thing as last time - whatever can be really cold goes in the fridge, butter goes in the chiller, and some stuff stays at room temp (like the orange paste and honey).


Then, I mix the second dough.  Just the usual here.  First, I mix the first dough with the flour for about 15 minutes, then I add the sugar and vanilla (I mix them together) and after it's dissolved, the honey.  After that, I add the yolks.  Once yolks are incorporated, I add the salt, followed by the butter.  After that, I add the water along with the orange paste.  I used to add the orange paste earlier in the process, but I had one dough fail when I did that.  Wasn't sure why, but the paste was pretty hard and the orange pieces were kind of coarse, so I thought maybe that damaged the gluten.  Now, I add the orange paste with the water, after the butter, to loosen it up so that it sort of "glides" through the dough rather than cuts through it.  Last but not least, the inclusions.


At this point, I actually bulk ferment the dough for a while.  I'll put the dough in a container in the fermentation chamber at about 25C for a while.  An hour or two.   Periodically, usually in 15-minute intervals at first and then 30-minute intervals later on, I fold the dough, just like you'd fold your sourdough during bulk ferment.


After that, I'll scale, preshape, and bench rest until the dough skins over.  Then final shaping and into the mold.  I try to handle the dough delicately at every point.  Then, I put the panettone in its case into the fermentation chamber at about 28C for...a while lol.  Again, I don't time it.  I don't even measure the distance from the top of the cup 🤷🏻‍♂️.  You'll hear people say to bake it when it's anywhere from 2-5 cm from the top, but I never know what they're measuring.  The peak of the dough?  The sides where it touches the case?  I dunno - those are very different.  I just make sure that the peak of the dough is still below the edge of the cup when I put it in the oven.  Usually, the dough is in contact with the case for about half the case height, maybe a little more.  I mostly just look for it to be puffy and jiggly like any other sourdough.


And here's the result





I think whatever openness you see in the crumb is mostly a result of the white chocolate.  I've been making a lot of raisin and candied orange panettone but in a pinch I just throw some chocolate chips in it.  There isn't much difference between this panettone and the ones below, except for the bench rest and the final proof.  This one was rested just until it skinned over and baked almost when the dough was at the top of the cup.


Below is a panettone from Christmas where I experimented baking quite early during the final proof. Also, I had to use the low molds for the first time because the tall molds were sold out - everyone is making panettone nowadays!  This one had a really long bench rest - about 1 - 1.5 hours.


As you can see, baking early causes the loaf to pull away from the case quite a bit.




Here's one I baked really low in the mold because it got late and I wanted to go to bed (panettone is somehow the enemy of sleep).  You can see at the bottom of the case that it is barely attached.  This one also had a fairly long bench rest, like the one above


They all taste great, but I still want to try and open it up some more and get it even taller, just to say I could lol.  I'm chasing something most people in my life don't understand 🤣.  Quite frankly I'm beginning to question it myself...

Congratulations, these look so nice! It’s great when things start working, isn’t it? 

Don’t know whether these ideas will help, they are just  thoughts I had while reading:

 - I am doing very similar things to your LM maintenance process, just mixing, coiling, storing, no water or tying. Your ratios for mixing are fine. 

 - One thing you might be experiencing is just the passage of time, which contributes to the quality of your LM. Mine has become more stable and predictable with time. Similarly, if your LM is really bad, starting over with a new one is a valid thing to do, worked for me.

 - On the water at the end of Roy’s 2nd impasto: now that you’ve mastered it, further improvement can come by adding just a bit MORE water at that point. You don’t want to get the primo more hydrated necessarily because it would speed up fermentation/acidification, but in the 2nd, it can contribute to open crumb if your dough is good at that point. There is one prominent blogger whose formula reflects this approach. If of course your gluten development is subpar, this will deconstruct your impasto, so go carefully.

 - You can dissolve the sugar in the water for the primo without heating it. This typically (for me) takes about 7 minutes. Use a flat-bottomed bowl, and a flat-bottomed spatula, stir every minute or so. I do it in the bowl of my spiral mixer. Also, it doesn’t matter if the sugar is 100% dissolved at the point of adding the flour. Almost is fine.

 - Scaling - I use 1050g of dough for the 1kg round tall mould (6 5/8” at the base). It needs to rise until two fingers below the edge of the mould at the paper. The center of your loaf should be rounded nicely if you have shaped it well.

 - Baking - I like to start the bake off hotter (180C) for about 12 minutes, then reduce temp to 165C for the rest of the bake (about 45 minutes with my oven). This gives good oven spring. Different formulations have different reactions to baking temp.

Cheers, Sue



Yes, very nice when things work out.  I really like not having to worry about whether or not the bake will fail.  I can now use my DeCarlo orange peels that I candied for about 10 days without worrying they'll wind up in the trash, one way or another.


One thing you might be experiencing is just the passage of time, which contributes to the quality of your LM. Mine has become more stable and predictable with time. Similarly, if your LM is really bad, starting over with a new one is a valid thing to do, worked for me.

I think it's kind of settling into its new routine.  pH is more consistently hitting the numbers I expect after refreshments, which is nice.  I've started over a handful of times, sometimes with different flours. The Italian flours behave like I'd expect, but are too expensive.  This is probably my third KABF starter and they all seem to behave the same way.


On the water at the end of Roy’s 2nd impasto: now that you’ve mastered it, further improvement can come by adding just a bit MORE water at that point. You don’t want to get the primo more hydrated necessarily because it would speed up fermentation/acidification, but in the 2nd, it can contribute to open crumb if your dough is good at that point. There is one prominent blogger whose formula reflects this approach. If of course your gluten development is subpar, this will deconstruct your impasto, so go carefully.

Very interesting.  I do feel like it could take on more water, so maybe I'll give it a shot.


Baking - I like to start the bake off hotter (180C) for about 12 minutes, then reduce temp to 165C for the rest of the bake (about 45 minutes with my oven). This gives good oven spring. Different formulations have different reactions to baking temp.

Ah, yes I skipped the whole baking part lol.  I do something similar using two temps, but I use two different ones.  I usually preheat the oven to 200C and then bake it at that temp for 5 minutes, then I'll lower it to 175C.  After 35 minutes at 175 (so 40 minutes total), I insert my Meater thermometer and wait until it hits 94C.


As always, thanks for the kind words and tips, Sue!

A great write up Joe and thanks for sharing - you've put a lot of detail and effort into this. I'm not currently active in the panettone world, but I keep telling myself to try again.

When  I do I will be heading right over to your post.


Appreciate the kind words.


I am too active in the panettone world lol.  Hopefully by the time you get here I'll have figured even more of this out!

Your persistence is definitely paying off. Thank you for sharing what's working for you and what you've learned along the way (you too, Sue). 


On one of my earlier posts you said something about how I shouldn't have to feed my PM a flour that has to be mail-ordered.  My first reaction was "well, if that's what it takes I'll do it..." but over time I've come to agree with what you said more and more.  It's always in the back of my mind when I'm working on this stuff, so thanks for that.

I might have broken some rules, but my approach to making panettone has aligned more with how I'd approach making a regular sourdough loaf and less with the "rigid" panettone process you often read about.

This is where I am with it too. I'm even finding that KA-AP makes nice panettone dough so that's what I use most of the time, though I still use the bread flour occasionally.

Keep on baking :)

Great results, your dedication has definitely paid dividends!

Nailing those pH points can be frustrating, certainly I know so, and in terms of mastering this, these parameters are a very important factor. Aside from the impacts on flavour (nobody wants a sour tasting panettone) and on texture (very important for me), acidity has a direct impact on all the technical aspects of fermentation and dough properties. However other ways of interpretating this, such as the aromas after the primo fermentation and the level of elasticity in the final dough are quite telling! The most pleasant aromas I've had with the fermented primo, I would describe as powdery, milky - reminds me of a doughnut flavour. And inside a strong, clean (sweetish) alcohol aroma. Negative aromas are "hot toasty butter".
High acidity (TTA) robs the dough of elasticity and I've noticed the difference when handling the finished final dough. I would draw the line at pH 4.7 as an acceptable low in the finished primo. Less than pH 4.5 and the result is likely to be subpar.

I agree, elevated lactic acid levels leads towards a more "cakettone" texture without seeming to taste overtly sour. On the other hand, elevated acetic acid tends to be more obviously sour tasting yet it doesn't so negatively impact the texture allowing for a "lighter" (less cakey) texture. However in excess, acetic acid irritates the mouth when eating. I've noticed this effect in the past and especially so when tasting my LM with lots of acetic acid, it hurts my teeth!

Your atypical method has worked with respect to achieving the goal of suppressing lactic acid. For me, I would be reluctant to recommend a refresh that has more starter than flour. Still it worked for you and it made me wonder if using a malted flour (Typical in the US) helps overcome what I instinctively feel would be problematic with such a feed ratio.

Those are just some of my thoughts on the whole panettone making thing!

Great post and write up.

Well done!


 Appreciate the kind words and the tips/information, as always.


High acidity (TTA) robs the dough of elasticity and I've noticed the difference when handling the finished final dough. I would draw the line at pH 4.7 as an acceptable low in the finished primo. Less than pH 4.5 and the result is likely to be subpar.

When I measure my primo, the pH meter starts plummeting.  Once it hits 4.3 I take the meter out, tell myself it's garbage and that people have been making panettone for a long time without it 🤣.  So I know it's below 4.7, for sure, but not sure exactly how low.  Interestingly though, no matter what I do with my PM, the primo consistently acidifies to around the same pH level.  I've mixed the primo with a PM 4.10 all the way to 4.60.  I guess this is why the issue possibly being the acetic/lactic balance makes sense to me.

For me, I would be reluctant to recommend a refresh that has more starter than flour. Still it worked for you and it made me wonder if using a malted flour (Typical in the US) helps overcome what I instinctively feel would be problematic with such a feed ratio.

So I actually haven't done any refreshes with more starter than flour...yet.  Maybe I wrote something wrong - I'll have to go back and re-read it.

I am considering it though.  The starter takes a long time to acidify and that would be another way to speed up the process, but I'm concerned about the acid load in the refreshed PM, which I'm guessing is a concern you share.  I have a good feeling that if I'm not careful I'm going to be reviving this PM for two weeks, so I haven't brought myself to try it yet lol. 

The malted flour does behave differently from the Italian flour I've used.  I always thought malt would mostly just make fermentation happen faster, but this flour seems to ferment more slowly.  I don't really understand it but I'm just trying to follow its lead for a change.

Once it hits 4.3 I take the meter out, tell myself it's garbage and that people have been making panettone for a long time without it 🤣.

Perhaps there is really a problem with the pH meter. Maybe the probe is too old. Generally after 6-18month (*), depending on how often you use it, etc., a probe is toasted and must be replaced. Pretty often the measurements are all over the place, especially acids. This is at least what I observed with 2 pH meters.


So I actually haven't done any refreshes with more starter than flour...yet.  Maybe I wrote something wrong - I'll have to go back and re-read it.

I am considering it though.  The starter takes a long time to acidify and that would be another way to speed up the process, but I'm concerned about the acid load in the refreshed PM, which I'm guessing is a concern you share.  I have a good feeling that if I'm not careful I'm going to be reviving this PM for two weeks, so I haven't brought myself to try it yet lol. 

I'm not sure, how this will affect the yeast population. Would be an interesting experiment.

I'm using from time to time more starter than flour (1:0.8) in order to boost the yeast in short (2-2.5h) warm (28C) refreshments. It seams to work.


(*) information from the technical support of one of the manufacturers. I knew before, that probes are actually consumables, but I didn't know, how long they really last.


"Perhaps there is really a problem with the pH meter. Maybe the probe is too old. Generally after 6-18month (*), depending on how often you use it, etc., a probe is toasted and must be replaced. Pretty often the measurements are all over the place, especially acids. This is at least what I observed with 2 pH meters."

Provided you do a 2 point calibration (usually ph7 & pH4 for dough purposes), most pH meters will do a slope check during calibration. pH slope is a linear correlation between the voltage reading of a pH sensor reading and the pH value displayed:

If the slope is out of range then the meter should warn you at the end of the calibration process. I would say that as long as the calibration process gives no alerts then the probe should be working OK.

There can be other issues when using a pH meter during panettone making:

  1. It is difficult to get accurate pH readings on LM because the hydration is so low. When I was making LM, if I wanted an accurate reading I blended 10g LM with 90g deionised water in a slow speed blender.
  2. The doughs have a high fat content - butter/egg yolks - which may contaminate the probe. My pH meter manual suggests cleaning the probe tip in soapy water or acetone if you suspect fat/oil contamination.



If the slope is out of range then the meter should warn you at the end of the calibration process. I would say that as long as the calibration process gives no alerts then the probe should be working OK.

Yes, this is the common understanding. It looks like in practice this is not always the case. The calibration is ok, the measurement in dough might be off. At least as reported by a panettone baker I know. Afair it was an Apera pH meter, probe ±18 month old.

I have to say I'm not keen on the all in one instruments. Even if they have a replaceable probe it usually costs nearly as much as (and sometimes even more than) a new complete unit.

I used to have a Testo and that died prematurely. Even when it worked it was a POS.



I did hear the same actually - that pH meters aren't good forever, which I think is something laypeople like myself, who aren't in the science world, don't realize.  I also don't really want to buy a new one every 6 - 18 months 🤣.  It's a good point though - I've had this one for a few years, so it likely has to be replaced.


I'm not sure, how this will affect the yeast population. Would be an interesting experiment.

I will likely try it sooner or later and will report back on what happens

I'm one of those from the science world and I can attest to the longevity (or lack thereof) of pH probes. That's why I have resisted purchasing a pH meter for use at home. I use narrow range pH paper instead ( Granted, it doesn't have the resolution that a pH meter does, and it can be a little difficult with colored doughs. A pH meter might also come in handy for total acidity titrations when pH indicators are obscured by the dough suspension.

pH probes stand the best chance for survival when used in clean, aqueous samples. Proper maintenance and storage is also critical for their survival. Even then, the probes can fail and you might not even realize it. At work, my co-worker and I had the misfortune of a chemical manufacturing batch failure likely because of a bad pH probe that I had had calibrated just before use. The situation was made worse by the fact it was for an external customer; that was not a fun conference call.

Very informative post Joe, thanks for taking the time to post what your findings have been.  These types of posts are so helpful for those of us like myself who are just beginning to bake panettone.  I think my first two have the crumb that you describe as more cakettone, but fortunately they tasted great!.
