The Public Broadcasting station in the Washington, D.C., area, WETA, just ran an episode in their local series "Signature Dish" that many TFLers will enjoy. It's a half-hour show and the host visits three local food establishments. In this episode, the first one is a bakery named "Bread Furst". The owner walks the show's host through shaping baguettes hands on before using the baguettes to make classic Parisian-style ham-and-cheese sandwiches.
The other two bakeries in the show are not traditional European artisan bread bakeries but will probably be of interest, too.
Thank you! We are both going to watch these several times. Excellent. If there are others that you feel are helpful please link them. 🙏c
There are quite a few episodes focusing on different kinds of foods and cuisines, but this is the only one that I remember visiting only bakeries. That lovable old baker at Bread Furst was the baker behind the no-longer-extant Marvelous Market. I came across its breads after I moved to the D.C. area years ago. They were far and away the best loaves I found in the area.
Remembering bakeries with great fondness. NOLA in the early to late 60’s. We used to drive to a little side street bakery in mid town at near midnight and wait for the red light to come on ( no ladies of the evening here lol). Baguettes were ready! There hasn’t been anything close since those days. They hurried the process due to constraints on employees working all night.
I can certainly empathize with the bakers but the incredible fragrance and explosion of crumb was amazing.
And the beignets… haven’t been anything nearly as good in many decades. And Brocatos cookies… and Central Grocery Muffalettas .
Oh well we can replicate as able and enjoy our memories. c
Thanks for the link - that was a fun watch. Mark Furstenberg is a character - great how he gave the host the Sri Lankan hat - nice touch.
He seems like a person I'd like to know. Wish I lived closer...