100% Sprouted Whole Wheat SD Bread- Holes under crust
Hi everyone!
I just tried a new flour: Sprouted Whole Wheat (from Anita's, for those who are in Canada).
Is it under proofed??? Over-proofed?? I couldn't say and would love to have your 2 cents, especially regarding the weird holes just below the crust....
Here is the process I followed:
1 kg Sprouted Whole wheat flour for 2 loaves/ Protein content = 12%
85% Hydration
10% whole rye active levain
30mn autolyse at 22C + add salt and starter and mix with Ankarsum mixer for 8mn at Speed 3
Rest 1h30 at 27C in a proofing box
Lamination + add pumpkin seeds
Rest for another 2h30 Total bulk fermentation = 4h15 at 27C
Divide and pre-shape / rest 10mn at 22C / Shape and let proof at room temp (23C) for 2h)
Then fridge for 11h30
Total fermentation time before fridge = 6h15.
I shortened the BF compared to my usual routine as the dough was already very wobbly and puffy...
Baked in Dutch Oven for 35mn with lid on at 220C + 2 ice cubes, then 15mn without lid at 210C, then 10mn in oven turned off, out of DO
Thanks a lot in advance!
Can't help with the looks, but what did you think of the taste? I made a few loaves years ago from DIY sprouted flour, and the taste was quite sweet, in a good way.
We loved it!!! Really delicious and not sour at all (which we prefer)
Can you see the broken gluten strands in those holes just under the crust, that is typical for over fermented dough.
Is there any reason that you’re not using your Ankarsrum Assistent when adding the pumpkin seeds? I find that the Ank is just great for incorporating inclusions so I’m just wondering if you’ve found otherwise.
Also, is there any reason that you didn’t add a couple of coil folds during initial bulk to organize your dough and build structure? Again, I’m just curious and it isn’t a criticism.
Thank you, Benny, for pointing out the broken gluten strands, I had not noticed!
As for the seeds, I added them with the lamination as it is simply the way I was taught to include them and I have never given that part of the process more thoughts!
The reason why I did not add a couple of coil fold is just because life got in the way :-)
Thanks for asking as it is always interesting to see what hawk's eyes like yours can notice !!!
You’re most welcome, I don’t have a hawk’s eye but my mistakes/poor bakes in the past have taught me a few things over the years.