KAF pompanoosuc porridge, what is it exactly?


KAF has a recipe for Pompanoosuc porridge bread on their website that I have been meaning to bake for a while.  I went to buy this hot cereal blend but they no longer sell it.  Do any of you know the composition?  I remember it has steel cut oats, white wheat bulgur and flax seeds.  But in roughly what proportions?  If you have some left a picture would be great.  Or if you know this mix then please comment what you think the ratios are approximately?  Thank you so much! I really do appreciate your help! 

KAF suggests to either use your favorite porridge or oatmeal porridge if you don't have Pompanoosuc blend. They say:

Substitute your favorite cooked porridge or cooked oatmeal (steel-cut oats preferred) for the Pompanoosuc porridge, if desired. Make sure porridge or oatmeal are cooked until thick.

The blend itself is mostly steel cut oats, some bulgur and a small amount of flax seeds, golden or brown. You can use 3:2:1 proportions if you wish: 3Tbsp oats, 2Tbsp bulgur and 1 Tbsp flaxseed (whole) in the mix. 

this is the picture of the blend: