The baguette brigade. Truly needs a room of our own!
Hello, friends.
Yes thanks to Danny boy, I am back in my apron, as rambunctious as ever!
Before I get to the meat of this post, I must take a minute to thank Alfonso, for taking the Raines on this baguette C.B. Not only that, Alan, with his patient tutelage has helped many aspiring baguette makers, over the years. That is not to diminish the roll of everyone's favored F.L. son Danyo, thanks for all you do Dan, I feel privileged to count you as a friend.
With all this interest in perfecting the art of the baguette, I really think we need, and have earned a room of our own. I propose that the Baguette C.B. thread be moved to a stand alone forum room titled, Baguette theory and practice. To corny? Okay forget the name.
Additionally, I propose, that one day of the week should be "Baguette day" On this day, 52 weeks of the year every F.L. member posts a baguette bake to the baguette club! That's all, carry on.
Kind regards,
Will F.
An early attempt that somehow went a bit awry!
Very nice rustic style baggies!
WHAT is a baguette?? Sell it. Make me taste it. Make me want it. Make me want to slip one under the pillow and sleep sweet, sweaty dreams.
Then, post that at the top of your room to attract newbies like me. Show me how easy it is. Make me want to go the extra mile if I have to. Make my life empty without it.
Do I need a baguette in my life?