My daughter loves pancakes and I like them, too, so I like to be able to mix up a batch on short notice. This mix, which I've adapted from a recipe in The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion, takes about 15 minutes to make, stays fresh in the fridge indefinitely, and is super easy to whip up into fresh pancakes. Plus, if you use whole wheat pastry flour, I guarantee that no one will know that these pancakes are made with 100% whole grains.
Ingredients for the mix:
- 3.5 cups or 12.25 ounces Rolled Oats
- 5 cups or 21.25 ounces Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
- 3 Tbs or 1.5 ounces Sugar
- 3 Tbs or 1.5 ounces Baking Powder
- 1 Tbs Salt
- 1 Tbs Baking Soda
- 1 cup or 7 ounces vegetable oil (I used canola)
In a food processor, blender or coffee grinder, grind up the rolled oats so that they're well chopped but not quite a powder. Mix up all the dry ingredients well, and then add the oil slowly, continuing to mix. To check the consistency, take a clump and squeeze it in your hand. If it's sticks together, it's ready. If it's still very crumbly, add a bit more oil and try again. Put it in a covered container and pop it in the fridge.
When you're ready to make pancakes, take:
- 1 cup of Mix, packed
- 1.25 cups Buttermilk
- 1 Egg
Heat up a pan or griddle so that drops of water will "dance" on the surface. One 3-inch pancake = 2 Tbs batter. They're ready to flip once the sides start to solidify and bubbles stop breaking on the top.
This recipe makes 12 three-inch pancakes. If you have leftovers, freeze them -- they warm up great in the toaster.
They look perfect, JMonkey, as light and puffy as if they were made with white flour.
Just need that slosh of butter and syrup, a napkin under the chin, and a fork.
Yum! They look good!!
Pancakes are so good and easy to make and I always try to find ways to get more "healthy" stuff in my kids (hubby included) so when I make pancakes I often sub some apple sauce in, add a bit of flax seed meal and use whole wheat (I'll have to find whole wheat pastry as regular is too heavy so I do have white and half whole wheat). I have even finely grated a carrot in once. (think of carrot cake). Yup, pancakes are good and good to hide stuff in too.
I love that you hid carrot in pancakes sylvia!
It sounds like something I would try :D
Thanks, JMonkey. Kenny likes to have waffles or pancakes with 'maple dip'. These will work beautifully!
I'm going to mix this up tonight. Well, maybe not, I just looked at the time.
Do you grind your own whole wheat pastry flour? If you do what do you use for grain? weavershouse
If you don't have access to soft white winter wheat, I know that Bob's Red Mill sells a good whole wheat pastry flour.
Hi there,it is great, I think I will try this recipe without sugar!