Barley Oat Wholemeal Bread improvised and thrown together.

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

I decided to make dinner early for a change and needed to make some bread as well.

I began the bread so that it could rise while I was doing dinner. It began as my usual loaf, but I thought we needed more grains in our diet (seeing as I had been having porridge each morning for breakfast while I was getting used to the cold UK weather and then while the oven was broken and once it was fixed I have been eating bread for breakfast, lunch and snacks......tut tut tut)

So I threw some oats in a bowl and added hot water. Then after they'd soaked for an hour or so, I added more hotwater and some salt. I woke up some yeast in a bit more warm water with a little bit of goldren syrup and added that to the oat/water mix.

Then slowly added flour. Once I reached a consistency I couldnt stir but it wasnt thick enough to pull out and knead, I left it for about an hour and a half. I came back, and kneaded in almost 2 cups of flour.

Here I decided as I was stirring my barley that I was cooking (for vege barley soup) that it just might go nicely in the dough that I had finished kneading. So I kneaded in about 1/2 cup of cooked, still warm soft fluffy barley. Left it to rise till it doubled, punched it down, left it to rise again then gave it a fold for extra strength and left it to rest for 20mins.

It has made two decent sized batards and is now just proofing on a well floured bench covered with wet muslin.

I will take phots now, and once they are proofed, then again when they are cooked and their crumb. I am curious and anxious as to their taste and appearance......If it works, I have an idea for a nice healthy breakfast bread make with precooked Barley, Quinoa, Brown Rice (Basmati) and Rolled Oasts (if I find them I will use soaked/cooked steel cut oats as they offer more fibre and are worth more nutritionally than the rolled kind) With Wholemeal/wholewheat flour and covered in seeds. I want to try to get the most out my toast....and sandwhich (as well as for my family)

I will how ever try to make sence of the higgledy piggledy recipe above and write it out (and add things) in better order and adjust fermentation times. Might even make it with a preferment of the wholewheat to give it a more developed flavour.

I am pretty health aware and know that my daily porridge oats did much more for me than the yummy toast and toffee tasting set honey I have been eating. lol.


Bo be continued!........................................................................


I have taken a liking to a porridge made with steel cut oats. I eat it with plain, homemade, yogurt.

As for your bread, have you tried PR's Struan bread? I like the recipe in WGB. It turns out really well.


no I havent.  I keep meaning to try, but then I forget to.

As I was typing the above entry, I realised it was similar, so, if this doesnt work out, I will be giving it a go.....hhhmmmmm, even if it does work, I will probably have to do so.

mmmm steel cut oats for porridge. I will have to try that!  

I usually have just honey on oats made with water and a little salt. Its sooooo good. I think I'll have to have them tomorrow just because I have a creaving! 

I'll look forward to seeing your improvised loaf.  I like mixed grain breads.  Another bread you might want to try is Floyd's Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal Bread (recipe on the left) I'm sure you could increase the whole wheat flour, but I haven't tried.  The bread is so good as it is.

The steel cut oats make a fabulous hot cereal.

Thanks Mini Oven :)l

lol. its a fun way but not always the most precise or fool proof! lol!


The bread turned out delicious! I plan to work at sorting out a "proper" recipe to share here., lol.