The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Marathon Uni-mill

shebelzidar's picture

Marathon Uni-mill

Greetings Bread Bakers


I've had a MARATHON UNI-MILL for about thirty years.  It works great but I accidentally

melted the funnel tray and hopper drawer in my oven while drying them.

Does any one have these parts or know where I can find them?  It seems a shame

to get a newer mill when this one is a perfectly-working stone mill.


Holly (aka Shebelzedar).

David Esq.'s picture
David Esq.

Seems cheaper to buy a replacement uni-mill than it does to buy a new electric mill.

shebelzidar's picture

Thanks. I'll try E-bay for the parts..

barryvabeach's picture

I definitely would not be getting a new mill, since the one you have will probably last forever.  I would try to find a disposable aluminum pan to work as a funnel tray, and punch a hole and a short tube in it to make it work.  For the hopper,  I would take the drawer to Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, the Container Store, or a kitchen tools store and try to find a plastic or metal pan of a similar size  ( if plastic, try to find one that is food safe like a rubber maid container.