The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

(Très) Pain (très) Rustique - this was supposed to be 8 cheese rolls

jasperdrak's picture

(Très) Pain (très) Rustique - this was supposed to be 8 cheese rolls

Oops. Well - you can't win 'em all. This monster was supposed to be 8 cheese topped white rolls ( I had a nice bit of cheese going spare so thought I'd give them a go. I used Doves Farm organic white flour. I'm staying at my friend's house (cat sitting) and she has an excellent oven so I couldn't resist trying it out. The dough was very wet and unworkable as I tried to knock it back and knead it. I have no idea what I did wrong. I converted cups to grams etc, so I'm thinking possibly that (!). Bloody cups... So it was either bin the gloopy mess or add flour and see what happens. I tried the latter. Then dolloped it onto an oiled and floured baking tray. And THIS happened. It's actually not too bad! Maybe needs more salt... 

Quite a tight texture and small crumb. What would this type of bread be? Any clues? 


Reynard's picture

Then I'd count it a success :-)

Measuring ingredients by volume is a nightmare, kinda impressed that you managed to rescue that. But look for recipes given in grammes - or ounces. The metric conversion on that recipe looks... odd... 

Just a caveat when using US recipes: US flours require more liquid than the flour we get here in the UK, so you will need to reduce the quantity. A good general tip for breadmaking (not just for this recipe) is not to put in all the liquid in a recipe at once - hold back a little, and then only add it if you feel you need it.

A good emergency soaker-upper of excess water in a dough is porridge oats btw...

P.S. Hope you were successful on the "great flour hunt" :-)