Chat Room

 Good Morning To All

 I`m sure this subject has been brought up before ~~ But a chat room would be a nice addition to this site. It would be nice tobe able to talk to each other - with out relying on posted notes. Trading E-mail address`s has/is nice - BUT to chat with others in real tyme would be ablessing.

 Maybe call it " The Flour Bin" don`t know - just a thought due to a lack of caffine and nicotine - whating for coffee to finish "perking" .


The problem with chat rooms is that they almost always disintigrate into pathetic meat markets (and I don't mean the kind that goes on bread) and spam sending tools when there's not someone there to monitor and boot folks. I recall getting horrible pick-up lines even in *pregnancy* chat rooms so it's not like having a bread topic would prevent this.

I for one, don't want my husband to be saddled with having to babysit a chat room in addition to his already overbooked schedule. 

That said, there's a place in the profile here where you can put Instant Messanger information and there's a wide variety of free clients like AIM and Yahoo and MSN out there that have their own built-in controls that allow you to block folks that bug you while having conversations with folks you want to chat with - you should definitely take advantage of that and enter your usernames in your profile and then you might be able to catch others online through their profiles as well. Though we also have the issue that lots of folks are on completely different sides of the globe and conversations simply do take the hour-difference to go back and forth.

 Dstroy ~

  Yup You`re Very right - DUH had a senior moment - brain was not working - lack of caffine LOL ~ AIM`s - IM`s - forgot about all the new tech out there  - Sorry about the useles post .


I agree that a chat room would be cool, but, as dstroy says, the maintenance/monitoring/management is just too much for me to undertake right now.

I might help be able to help if you have a Mac. My guru son gave me a few tips. ooops this seems to be contageous.  I should have posted in the other topic...

Mini O

Profile picture for user zolablue

Just a heads up that there is an offensive spam post on Sourdoughlady's deluxe sourdough thread you will want to delete.


A note - I'd love to have an option to add a "send me an email" on our profiles so that if someone wants to contact members you can enable this option or not.  Then when an email is sent it is shown to have generated from TFL and that person can decide if they want to respond as it will then show their email address.  Otherwise it is completely private but still leaves the option for contact.

Right. That is a good idea. Let me take a look and see what I can find. That spam has been deleted. Thank you.