The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Hello! I'm so glad I found this site!

Anonymous baker's picture
Anonymous baker (not verified)

Hello! I'm so glad I found this site!

Hi! I've been lurking on this site for the past couple of months, and I just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks to everyone for all the information and inspiration I've found on this site, and special thanks to Floyd for putting it together. It's a really fantastic community and a great resource. Collectively, you have helped me get my starter going (or more precisely, stay calm and not throw it out when my starter seemed dormant for, like, forever after a bad bout of leuconostoc - thanks, Debra Wink!), explained what was wrong with my first sad loaves (Mini Oven, Dmsnyder, Dabrownman and many others - you were helping other people but I was listening!), recommended some fantastic books and basically got me to the point where I am starting to turn out some loaves I'm really proud of.

I'm posting pictures of my latest bake (I call it Sparky 7, after my starter) because, well, I think it turned out really well and I couldn't have done it without your help. It's an oat porridge loaf from Tartine 3. I pretty much followed the recipe as written in the book, although I suspect my porridge had significantly less oats and more water than intended due to a porridge scorching incident. As mentioned by others on the site, the 1:2 oat:water ratio suggested in the book seems unrealistic given how absorbent oats are, but I'll have to try it again to make sure. Even so, it's a great recipe: five days after baking, the loaf still didn't seem stale, and the oat flavour was lovely.

Here's a crumb shot:

Thanks again, and happy baking!

Floydm's picture


dabrownman's picture

bold bake and the spring was big too,  Hope it tastes as god as it look.  Well done and welcome  Some time you never know who gets helped !

Happy SD baking

AbeNW11's picture
AbeNW11 (not verified)

Looks absolutely delicious. Love the crust, seeds and crumb. Bon Appetite. 


PalwithnoovenP's picture

I've learned a lot here too but still haven't applied those to full effect.


liseyp's picture
liseyp (not verified)

It was, in fact, delicious and I'm looking forward to making it again this weekend.

Palwithnooven - it's hard to use the advice here to full effect with no oven, but from the looks of your posts, it looks like you are doing a fine job without one. Bravo!

PalwithnoovenP's picture

Thanks too! I might just have one soon.

liseyp's picture
liseyp (not verified)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

soon until I get my WFO up.  I get to play with two induction burners until then.  

Lovely loaf!  I head straight for the crusty flavour parts then sit back and enjoy a slice.  ..or two ...or three.  :)

liseyp's picture
liseyp (not verified)

My man has let me know he prefers a thinner crust than what I've been getting with sourdough bread in general , so eating the delicious crusty bits first would solve that problem/serve him right.

Congratulations on the wfo project! The discussions you've been having on designing it have been super interesting, and I look forward to seeing the results!