more sour - same starter - divided

 Hey & Hi to Everyone

 Interesting developement happened to my starters -

 I made a starter about 2 months ago - three weeks ago I divided it - no problem both very active and doubled in volume in about three hours - when fed.  I wanted them to be alittle more sour so I added 2 oz. of rye flour to each for their next feeding - I use 1:2:2 method ~ 8 oz. starter - 16 oz. flour & 16 oz. H2o ( bottled )thick pancake batter -  sour increased very little over a week - Soo... this past week end right befor leaving work I feed them both and covered with a damp towel - set them in the old tap room ( the club I work at has an old room lined with oak that they use to store kegs of beer in and a tap line to the bar when beer still came in wooden barrels ) it has not been used for this purpose in ages - now just an empty room - still smells faintly like beer ( not a bad smell ) On Saturday I checked  and stired them - both got very bubbly and rose a little - did this acouple times thru out the day ( worked a 12 hr. shift ) again right befor leaving i fed them 2oz. flour & 2oz. H2o - Went in Sunday ( another 12 hr. shift ) and repeated the same as day befor - I pulled them up to the kitchen about an hour befor leaving and tasted & smelled both - one has a more pronounced sour taste then the other - hmm thought it was just me so rinsed out mouth and reveresed the tasting - same thing - got the bartender to taste them - after doing so - she replyed the one was alittle more "tangy" then the other - and pointed to the one I thought was the sour'er of the two also - is this posible?

 Comments Very Welcome


out starving your starters!  A 1:2:2 is good for 6 hours but for 12 hours, I'd use 1:6:6 or higher.

Mini O

 Mini O

 With the way I`m working at present - I`m here at work more then home - and starters are here - started making bread here - cheaper and better then what we were buying . As for starving - not sure - but it is about 6-7 hours between feedings - and when not here its no longer then 9 hours - ah yea the life of a chef .


 Mini O

 When I feed my starters - thay are at room temp - do the 1:2:2 feed - let sit for about an hour or so - stir them down - then tuck them in to  their bed in walk-in -

Next day If I plan to bake ( everyday almost) I`ll pull them out -and place on shelf beside stove ( old door way now built in between 75 - 82 degrees ) let come to room temp - they are fiesty and do GROW lol ( have to get camera ) pull out the amount of starter I need ( 1# ) plase in bowl and add h2o & 3/4 flour - rough mix - cover about 3-4 hours (get nice rise )- add remaining flour - salt - oil - sugar ( pure cane ) mix to blend then knead til silky smooth - cover let rest 2 more hours - form into pan loafs - cover and place in fridge til next day - then bake -

 Starters are thick batter - the amount of starter I use is almost equal to what I feed them - if that makes sence ;>)


 KC -

  Am making a batch of bread from both as we speak - will let you know tommorow evening after I bake them .

 Am wondering the same thin myself - need to get a camera - so can show the difference in crumb & crust if any . - Ahhhh well pay`dys coming . maybe get one this week end .
